Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (2024)

Welcome to the story portion of the guide. Since there is no defined story that you can follow along with, instead your game completion goal is to evolve your clan to its final evolutionary milestone across a span of 8-10 million years. Completing Evolution Feats is necessary to help advance the timeline further and faster as you evolve, for a list please refer back to the Evolution Feats page. This game can be quite difficult, but is made easier once you understand some of the skills and how to progress the Neuronal. There are numerous skills and capabilities that do require some detail to better aid in your understanding of their function, some of which I will highlight in the portion below but encourage you to refer back to previous pages, like the General Hints and Tips page, for specifics.

A little further in the section below, I will outline a blueprint for how you should approach making progress in game, this is the Playthrough Summary. With some trial and error, I have found this strategy to be helpful in keeping my playthrough moving forward the most effectively. It is easy to fixate on exploration, but I often found myself not getting rewarded for my efforts and essentially wasting time and risking my clan’s wellbeing in the process. This strategy aims to keep you on task to limit the amount of time you will need to complete the game, there will be plenty of time to explore as you progress, but try to stick to the summary as best you can and leap forward as soon as you are ready.

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The intro cut-scene is your glimpse into a world full of dangers. As the scene plays out, you will witness just how dangerous it can be for members of your clan. You can skip cut-scenes with (cn_back). Once in control, the screen will be grey, you’ll see eyes and teeth flashing across the screen, and you can hear predatory growls and howls; this is Fear of the Unknown.

NOTE: Fear of the Unknown - As a child, this is experienced whenever you are outside of the settlement zone without an Adult/Elder companion. As an adult, you will experience this once you travel far enough away from the settlement location, but you have the ability to Conquer you Fear to expand your known territory, more on that later though. Elder's do not experience this fear, which is great for exploration purposes. See the General Hints and Tips page for additional information.

You may notice an Objective pop-up on screen; aside from offering a general sense of something to work towards, these are mostly unnecessary. I will highlight a few of these at first, as they help with an introduction to some basic skills that will be helpful. These quickly lose their value and don’t really align with your progress after a short while, so you can continue to work on these as you see fit.

OBJECTIVE – Regain safety in a Hiding Spot or in your clan’s settlement

As a child, you cannot do anything to Conquer your Fear, so you will need to either Hide or reach the Settlement Zone to be safe. Follow the tutorial/help pop-up windows as you first begin, which is directing you to use your Intelligence Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (1). While standing still and looking around, you should be able to find 2 different shapes to highlight, Square and Diamond. Hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (2) FOCUS to fixate on the object, and reveal it as a Hiding Spot (square) or Current Clan Settlement (diamond). Holding Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (3) MEMORIZE when focused on the highlighted icon will make it visible while moving, essentially creating a waypoint for you to head towards.

This initial area is actually the safest area in the entire game. There are no predatory threats in the immediate area, as long as you continue forward from the starting location and head upstream. Take this opportunity to get accustomed to the controls as you learn to move around, climb, jump, and swing to reach your intended destination. The hiding spot is the easier/quicker place to reach, but will require you to go retrieve the child as an adult. You can easily reach the settlement without much difficulty, just follow the water upstream to the waterfall and climb the vines or rock face to reach the others.

Memorize whichever location you want to go to and make your way to it. If you choose Hiding Spot, continue to the next section. If you choose the Settlement, skip down to Clan Reunited.

Intro to the Hiding Spot

Hiding spots can be found across all regions and offer 100% protection for a baby until retrieved by an adult or elder. This is useful in limited circ*mstances, but will save the child from a predator if you find yourself controlling said child that ends up alone in the wilderness. If you reach the hiding spot and Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (4) HIDE, you will automatically transfer control to an adult in the settlement and you’ll now need to go retrieve the child.

OBJECTIVE - Find the lost child of your clan

Leave the settlement and use your Senses Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (5), Sound Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (6) is best to locate other animals, such as threats, outsiders, and the scared child. You don’t really want to explore too much, or start interacting with items/resources, as you will miss out on the earned energy from these actions unless you have an Active Neuronal, which won’t be until after the child is retrieved.

Follow the flow of water down to the lower section of the jungle floor, using the stream as a reference point to help guide you to finding the child. If you crossed the stream as the child, then you will need to search on the left of the stream when heading out from the settlement; if not, then search to the right. Use your senses to locate and focus on the baby’s hiding spot.

OBJECTIVE – Join and comfort the lost child

Once you are at the hiding place, you will need to comfort the child before it will come out of hiding. Press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (7) COMFORT to call out, which will receive a response back from the child as it start to calm down. After a short pause, the controller should vibrate and you can press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (8) again to grow the Comfort Meter. Repeat this enough times to fill the meter and regain the child.

OBJECTIVE – Join your clan in your settlement

Successfully comforting the child have it exit the hiding spot and climb on to you, this is Piggybacking and is the safest way for a child to travel when outside of the settlement zone. The baby is now a follower, which also means that you will have an Active Neuronal and you can begin earning energy. For now, I suggest you simply focus on getting back to the settlement as you will want more babies around you to earn more energy for each action, which will always be the case for efficient growth.

Clan Reunited

Reaching the settlement will show a scene reuniting the clan and unlocks an achievement.

  • A Real Hero

    You have saved the kid!

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (9)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (10)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (11)

Playthrough Summary

The following is a suggested outline of how to approach the rest of your playthrough. The primary objective for this is to set some parameters on when you should undergo a Generation or Evolution leap, and how to effectively prepare for one in order to make consistent progress.

First and foremost, babies are essential to your development, so creating then birthing them should be your priority at the start of a new generation. Only after you have birthed the maximum number of children your clan can support, should you work to identify your surroundings, inspect new items, and interact with various items to develop new tools and maintain the health of your clan. Performing tasks with an Active Neuronal will earn energy, expand and develop the neuronal, and complete various feats along the way. Just keep in mind that you only need enough energy to energize and learn as many skills as you have reinforcement points (1 per child). Once you have enough Learned neurons to allocate each Reinforcement point, you should perform a generation leap.

Repeat this process to birth a new set of babies, earn energy, and learn neurons so you can perform a second Generation leap. After a second-generation leap, you are ready to undergo an Evolution leap to realize the matured Genetic Mutations carried by the now Elder and Adult members. Please note, that there is no reinforcement option for an Evolution Leap, so birthing babies is optional. Additionally, before going ahead with the Evolution leap, you can use non-Mutation carrying members to explore the region with less risk to your clan to work on feats and exploration achievements.

Starting over with a new set of Generation 1 clan members, you will want to repeat this entire process by performing 2 Generation Leaps, followed by an Evolution Leap. This process will allow you to gradually advance through each milestone at regular intervals, and avoid getting caught up in excessive time spent on needless wandering with no progress being made to reach the end of the game.

Generation 1 – Your first set of members following the start of a new game or an Evolution Leap. Babies born this generation will be the only ones that can have mutations. Earning energy is challenging at first, so focus on birthing babies early so you don’t miss out on gains. Ideally you would also want to seek out outsiders to befriend, in order to max out your clan size early on to ensure the maximum clan size going forward. Once you have learned enough skills to utilize all reinforcement points, perform the first generation leap.

Generation 2 - Babies born this generation and the Gen 1 babies (now Adults) can have mutations. Again, the first priority is birthing babies. Once you have an active neuronal, you can analyze the deceased Gen 1 members for significant energy gains. Learn enough skills to use all reinforcement points, then perform the second generation leap.

Generation 3 – Mutations carried by Gen 2 babies (now Adults) and Gen 1 babies (now Elders) will now want to be made effective through an Evolution Leap. Reproducing is optional, as reinforcement is not saved during an evolution leap; however, each baby born does adds 5,000 years to your Evolution Leap so there is some upside. Any Adult or Elder not carrying a genetic mutation could be used to push your limits, such as attempting riskier animal encounters, Conquer your Fear, or progress various feats.

Following an Evolution Leap, go back to Gen 1 and repeat these steps. Following along with this will keep your progress on track and avoid time and effort wasted. After a few leaps, you will start to get a rhythm down and things get easier. You will be doing most of the exploring and playing during a Gen 1, in order to build up enough progress and energy in the Neuronal. Later on in the playthrough, you may want to add another generation leap into the mix before an Evolution Leap.

Generation 4 – Once you have gained all the mutations or have no (or minimal) mutation carrying elders during Gen 3, you can change the Evolution Leap in Gen 3 to another Generation Leap, creating Gen 4. This will allow you to treat the traditional Gen 3 the same as Gen 2, where you can birth a new set of babies in hopes of more mutations, then analyze even more dead members for easy energy gains to quickly learn matured neurons. Gen 4 then acts like the traditional Gen 3, where your main goal is to perform the Evolution leap.

Grow the Clan

Getting back to the game, follow along with the next few objectives to learn about some vital topics, essential to growing/developing your clan.

OBJECTIVE - Build a Sleep Spot

Intro to Stockpiles and Construction

Locate the Grass Natal Cycad, after inspecting it you can create a stockpile. Find a suitable location and Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (12) Drop the item to the ground; bring over another grass, highlighting the one on the ground will change Drop to Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (13) Add to Pile.

With a pile of 4 or more grasses, highlight it and hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (14) Start Construction, then press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (15) Build several times to assemble a Sleep Spot. Repeat these steps to create a second sleep spot before moving on to the next objective.

Leading Tool User - Wood and Vegetal – Used the Natal Grass Cycad as a tool at least twice

Emerging Builder* – Built a Sleep Spot at least 5 times

Stockpiles can be used to sort and store most resources; this is particularly helpful with food, which can help offset excessive demand. A large clan size can quickly consume all available food resources while maintaining vitality, especially if you spend a longer time exploring between leaps and need to feed the clan more than once. Resources are replenished at different rates (birth leaps, generation leap, or Evolution leap) so making stockpiles can help provide a buffer to help offset the risk of running out of an essential item/food between leaps. Stockpiles remain in place, even after leaps, so these are helpful to preserve resources for the next generation as well.

OBJECTIVE - Form a Couple

Intro to Couples and Birth

You can form a couple between any two matured members, however, you will want to pair a fertile female with a male for the purpose of reproduction. There should already be one couple in the group with 2 babies birthed, so you will want to form another couple using the two single adults.

If you press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (16) you can quickly see your controlled member's relationship status, either “Single” or “Coupled with XYZ” in the upper left corner. When you approach another member, you have the option to press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (17) Analyze, then Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (18) Switch; Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (19) Follow Me; or Hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (20) Groom. If you are not controlling a member that is single, then Analyze the others to find an adult that is and switch to them; then find the other single adult and choose Groom.

When grooming a non-family related member, hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (21) until you receive the PING then release to grow the Bonding meter. Holding Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (22) too long or releasing it early will fail the attempt and lower the meter. Once successful, the two members are Bonded, forming a Couple.

NOTE: PING refers to the screen flash, chime sound, and controller vibration that occurs when a held button action achieves sufficient timing. Holding the button in excess of the PING can have negative consequences, so be aware.

With a couple formed, go to a Sleep Spot and Lie Down Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (23), you may have to drop a carried item first. Press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (24) to Call Mate and your partner will join you, a piggybacking child will have to be dropped off as well. Once the partner joins, hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (25) to Mate. If the mating pair is a fertile male and female, the result is a pregnancy.

With the couple still on the sleep spot, holding Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (26) Give Birth will advance the timeline 15 months and all pregnant females in the group will give birth. Repeat the mating and birthing process to gain a second baby for the new couple. With 4 children now in the clan, move on to the next objective.

OBJECTIVE - Identify the Jungle's Hidden Waterfall Oasis

Intro to Landmarks and Meteorites

Use Intelligence Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (27) and Discover the landmark for Hidden Waterfall Oasis. This will be the diamond shaped point of interest, located above the stream leading from the waterfall in the back of area. This will also initiate a cut-scene and complete an explorer’s feat.

Jungle's Master Explore - Discovered the Jungle's Hidden Waterfall Oasis

The cut-scene shows a meteorite shooting across the sky and crashing down, on the other side of the jungle. These unique items are powerful developmental aides, so please check out the General Tips and Tricks page for an overview of what these special items can offer. Retrieving a meteorite is best done when adequately prepared for, this will be highlighted a little further in the guide.

NOTE: Discovering specific landmarks will lead to additional meteorites crashing down in specific areas. Each meteorite leaves a trail of smoke to help lead you to its exact location for a limited time. For reference, these are marked on the Map page, including a list of which landmark causes which meteorite to appear.

Once you regain control, you should be on top of a tree just outside of the settlement zone looking across the jungle at a smoke plume in the distance where the meteorite crashed. Being at the top of the trees here puts you at risk of an Eagle attack, so return to the settlement zone at once.

Grow the Neuronal

With the introduction to growing your clan now complete, it is the time to focus on the Neuronal development and earning Energy in preparation for your first Generation Leap.

Intro to the Neuronal

The Neuronal is a complex system, as stated several times already. I strongly recommend you refer back to the Evolution/Generation/Neuronal page for a more detailed description and outline of this feature. Long story short, each node has to go through several steps before it can be learned. You will have to repeatedly perform certain actions/tasks that relate to that specific neuron, which can reveal it before eventually making it mature and able to be energized. Once Matured, you should receive a Matured Neuron pop-up in the top right corner in-game to provide some awareness of progress. Spending energy will initiate, then grow and connect that neuron to the developed Neuronal, at which point the next neurons in the branch can be revealed and the learned node is available to be reinforced.

NOTE: Remember, energy is only gained through action rewards when there is an Active Neuronal, which is gained when a Baby is following or is in close proximity.

To access the Neuronal, Lie Down at a sleep spot and press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (28) Evolution. Through this screen, you can access the Evolution, Generation, and Neuronal tabs. Our focus right now is the Neuronal screen. You should have a little bit of energy right now and a few of the first 4 nodes should be Matured through actions already completed. There is a starting node for the Communication, Motricity, Intelligence and Senses branches. If any of these are still greyed out, you need to do more of the associated action to mature the neuron.

  • Communication – Matured through interactions with clan members
    • o Kinesics – Ability to gather all clan members
  • Motricity – Matured through the movement and item interactions
    • o Motor Skills – Ability to switch hands
  • Intelligence – Matured when using Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (29)
    • o Memory – Increases range of detection
  • Senses – Matured when using Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (30) or Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (31)
    • o Perception – Increases range of detection

The first 4 skills are permanent once Initiated, every other skill needs to be Learned and Reinforced to be accessible for the next generations. Be sure to get these starting nodes unlocked as soon as possible, in order to grow the respective branches and reveal additional skills.

NOTE: Unlocking the first Communication node (Kinesics) will allow you to gather all nearby members, which is extremely helpful to ensure that all babies are part of the Active Neuronal so you are earning the most neuronal energy, per action, possible. The first Motricity skill (Motor Skill) will allow you to switch a held item between hands, allowing you to hold two items and unlocks the ability to Alter items. These should be the first 2 skills to prioritize if you don’t have enough energy to get all four of the initial skills right now.

With an intro into the Neuronal complete, zoom out of the Neuronal screen or tab over to reach the Generation tab. Here you want to see how many reinforcement points are available, there is always one per child, and these represent how many Learned neurons can be permanently saved to the Neuronal for future generations. As you make progress, you want to mature enough neurons to use all the reinforcement points you have before proceeding with the Generation Leap. The next few paragraphs highlight some additional topics that should allow you to develop the Neuronal and complete some Feats in preparation for the Your First Generation Leap section.

Intro to the Daily Regime

Every day your Food/Drink/Sleep meters decline as the opposing force, Hunger/Thirst/Sleepiness, grows. As described in the General Tips and Tricks page, this is true for every member of the clan and impacts members’ vitality. Therefore, all members need to eat, drink, and sleep on a regular basis to maintain their health as time progresses. Eating, drinking, or sleeping in the settlement will often lead to the non-controlled members joining in, maintaining their vitality stats without the need to switch between each member to do so manually.

Food resources are plenty in this initial area, more than you may realize or even need. Use your sense of Smell to help locate foods. Be aware that not all food is safe, Food Poisoning and Non-Omnivore negative status effects are possible with the items readily found in this area. With a freshwater resource, you can quickly cure these ailments though, so take some time to learn which foods are good and which are bad.

You can currently consume Vegetal, Berry, Drupe, Cotyledon, Insect, Root, and Mollusk type items without getting the Non-Omnivore negative status effect. Eating each of these will also unlock a feat.

Adaptable Metabolism

  • Vegetal – these are edible plants or leaves (Horsetails or Khat)
  • Berry – all items in this group have Berry in the name. (Taami Berry)
  • Drupe – these are fleshy fruits (African Giant Mombin)
  • Cotyledon – these must be cracked/opened to reach the edible part (Coconut)
  • Insect – these include the insect itself or a byproduct of one (Honey or Trapped Insect)
  • Mollusk – these are animals with a shell (Giant African Snail)

Intro to Food Poisoning and Non-Omnivore

Some Berry and Drupe fruits are not ripe or are rotten, and eating them has a chance to cause Food Poisoning. Consuming the bad item will result in food poisoning on a random bite, not necessarily after eating the entire item. Food poisoning can be cured with multiple scoops of fresh water or by drinking/consuming from a coco/coconut. The negative effects are mild and decline slowly over time, however, severe poisoning will greatly impact your vision and hearing, making predator attacks more dangerous as you will have less reaction time.

Food Poisoning can affect clan members as well, as they indiscriminately follow your lead when foraging within the settlement. Since fresh water is an effective cure, be sure to have the clan eat first then fill up on water to avoid members from carrying on with food poisoning unnecessarily.

Emergence of Scientific Thinking* – Cured yourself from a Food Poisoning at least 5 times

Foods that your clan is currently unable to process, or absorb nutrients from, cause Non-Omnivore when consumed. The negative effect is similar to Food Poisoning, impacting vision and hearing, as well as being easily cured by drinking significant amounts of water. Unlike Food Poisoning, this negative effect can eventually be overcome, and doing so is associated to an achievement.

  • Eumycota – Mushroom
  • Mammal – Meat from mammal
  • Oviparous – Meat from non-mammals (fish, birds, scorpion, snakes)
  • Zygote - Eggs

Once the Genetic Mutation, Nutrient Absorption, is made effective through an Evolution Leap, you can begin to initiate the acclimatization process, slowly developing your body to process these food types until they can become a regular food resource. Once the Metabolism sub-branch is initiated, you will need to eat one of the foods to acquire the non-omnivore status effect, then cure yourself. This is a long and slow process, requiring repeated self-affliction and curing of the effect. This will likely being one of the last achievements earned as you progress through the game.

Intro to Altering/Crafting

Once you have Motor Skills activated, you can hold two items by Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (32) Switch Hands; this unlocks the ability to alter items. Numerous items can be used together so it is a learning process. Altered tools can allow access to new resources or foods, and some can improve your combat prowess. Please refer to the General Tips and Tricks page regarding Item Alteration to better understand the steps involved in this process if you need help.

Altering a Dead Branch, twice, will result in the Sharpened Stick, the best weapon in the game and a useful tool to access resources from certain gathering spots (Fishing Spot, Liftable Rock, Hole to Poke). Altering each of the three stone variants, Granite, Obsidian, and Basalt, also provide advanced tools. The Granite Grinder allows you to grind some plants into paste, which are used as potent medicines or remedies; whereas the Obsidian Scraper and Basalt Chopper can improve on the Striking ability and provide access to some unique altered resources.

With a focus on developing the neuronal, exploring the settlement zone will reveal an abundance of items that can be inspected, consumed, used, and/or stockpiled. There are numerous Feats that can be accomplished as you work on the neuronal, feel free to check out the Evolution Feats pages for some specifics but here are a few categories that you can now make some progress in or complete through item alteration and using those items.

Leading Tool User – Rocks

Leading Tool User – Wood and Vegetal

Craftsmanship Pioneer

Advanced Problem Solver

Intro to Animal Attacks – Dodge/Counterattack - APEX! Achievement

Since you now have access to the best weapon in the game, let’s try using it. Due to the inherent risk in what we are going to do, it would be best to control an Elder clan member, in the event that you don’t make it back, and be sure to go alone so others are not at risk. Be sure to stockpile 3-4 sharpened sticks, just in case, and take 2 with you. There are 8 predators in the game that you will need to kill to earn an achievement, APEX!, the first one we are going to try to defeat, is the Bateleur Eagle.

The eagle is one of two aerial predators in the game, and these threats have a slightly different interaction than all other animals. For starters, you will never see them wandering around; your only glimpse of them is when they attack, then they are gone. These threats only attack when you are in an elevated and exposed area for an extended period of time, generally near one of their nests. Additionally, unlike all other animals, these two threats cannot be intimidated. Failing to successfully dodge or counter will lead to an instant death, so these predators are not to be taken lightly.

Our target destination is the Bateleur Eagle nest, located in the tree that is straight out from the waterfall that drops to the jungle floor in the Hidden Waterfall Oasis settlement zone. You can actually spot it by using smell to reveal a dead hominid in the nest; this is the one from the intro that gets killed and drops the baby that you take over. The nests are pretty easy to spot once you know what to look for, they tend to standout as they are built onto the side of large branches rather than among the leaves. There are two between the Hidden Waterfall Oasis and The Sister Arches landmarks, another two just past The Sister Arches. Despite several nests in the area, you will encounter the same eagle.

Once you reach the nest, you will have to be patient. You may hear a bird screech just before, but eventually the Eagle will strike. Just like all other animal attacks, everything will slow down, giving you a brief window to hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (33) and move Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (34) away from (dodge) or towards (counterattack) the threat, releasing Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (35) once you receive the PING. Dodging is risky here, as you will likely jump out of the nest/tree and start falling to the jungle floor; if you don’t grab onto something on the way down, you will likely be severely injured if not killed on impact. A successful counterattack will thrust the sharpened stick into the bird, either killing it or driving it away with the spear sticking out of it.

Note: With any Counterattack, there is a chance you may experience a Bad Luck situation, one in which you had the right timing but your attack was still unsuccessful in causing damage to the attacker. One use weapons are destroyed, others are dropped as a result, but the attacking animal does not appear to be injured. Despite no injury, the animal will appear dazed and will flee instead of continuing the attack.

If the first strike didn’t kill the eagle, you will have to repeat this process. You may have to go away for a bit, in order for the eagle to settle down before it will attempt another attack; returning to your settlement and sleeping for a day generally worked for me. Killing the Bateleur Eagle is the first of many animals to best in your travels.

There are numerous feats related to interactions between the other animals in the game. Most animals have feats related to dodging their attacks, at least twice, and to kill each of them. For achievement purposes, you will only really need to kill each of the 8 predators, listed in the Expand category’s Apex Predator Evolutionary Feat. Killing the Bateleur Eagle is the first predator that will progress APEX!

Apex Predator - Killed a Bateleur Eagle

Master of Escape - From Predators

With your intro to animal encounters complete, return to the settlement to proceed.

Intro to the Generation Leap

All of your efforts thus far should have been more than enough for you to reveal at least 4 skills that can be learned and reinforced for the next generation. When you are ready, control an adult member and return to the Evolution screen via a sleep spot. From here, make sure there is at least as many skills learned as you have Reinforcements available; feel free to Initiate any remaining Matured neurons, as this will save you a little bit of energy later on. Once you have prepared sufficiently, press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (36) to select the Generation Tab. Here you will select which neurons to Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (37) Reinforce. Any learned neuron not reinforced will revert to Initiated after the leap, so you may have to be selective at times. Once all reinforcement points are used, you can press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (38) Change Generation to leap forward 15 years in time. You should also unlock an achievement following this leap, as long as you had a total of 6 (4 starting + at least 2 reinforced neurons).

  • Genetic Manipulation

    You have developed 2% of your Neuronal Network.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (39)

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (40)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (41)

The Second Generation

Following the 15 year leap, all your clan members will have aged by one level of maturity, Babies to Adults, Adults to Elders, and Elders will now be deceased. Deceased members will leave behind a pile of bones where they stood prior to the leap, leave these alone for now. Normally, with the start of a new generation the first task would be to create couples and birth babies. However, pause that for a moment and let’s try to Recruit an Outsider, at least one female so you can reach 6 babies but ideally recruit enough until you have 6 adults. You will want to control an Elder for this task… just in case you don’t make it back.

Intro to Recruitment/Outsiders

Whenever you have less than 6 Adults in the clan, an Outsider can spawn in a random location, generally this is not too far from your settlement at first. In order to befriend an Outsider, you must cure their negative status effect, which can be determined by their body language; reference the General Hints and Tips page if needed.

Alternatively, you can hand the outsider a Precious Stone, which will immediately befriend the Outsider and form a couple (1 use only). As it so happens, there is an Emerald within the Hidden Waterfall Oasis settlement area. If looking at the waterfall coming into the area, it is to the left on a small ledge on the cliff boundary, just above the elevated region of the area. Picking this up will earn a feat, there is one for each gem.

Spiritual Inception – Found an Emerald as a precious stone

With the precious stone in hand, head out into the Jungle with the goal to find and befriend at least 1 female Outsider, ideally, you can continue until you get 6 adults in the clan. Use the Sound Sense Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (42) then Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (43), as it will make finding an Outsider easier. Be sure to scan the entire area, carefully, as you try to locate a sound source, which can be anywhere from high in the trees to the jungle floor; you’ll most often find them sitting on branches high in the trees, and you really shouldn’t have to get too far from the settlement before you come across an Outsider.

Once found, hand the Outsider an item that will cure their negative effect, which is apparent by their body language but will be randomized; they won’t accept anything else. You can hand them a precious stone, like the Emerald called out earlier, if you are having trouble getting/finding the correct item. If you think you are getting too far from camp, return to the settlement and sleep to try and have the outsider(s) spawn in a new location closer to home. Once cured, you befriend the Outsider, who will become a follower and is now a part of the clan. There are 5 feats associated with befriending Outsiders, one for each potential status effect.

Generous Leader

Once enough Outsiders have been gained to have 6 Adults, or at least 3 females, return to the settlement. Now, you can prioritize creating couples in order to birth the max number of babies, which is 6.

Easy Energy Gains

Now that you have an Active Neuronal, and 6 babies, you should locate each Dead Hominid (pile of bones) for an easy Energy boost. There should have been 3 Elders from the previous generation that died during the Leap, leaving a pile of bones in their place; additionally, there is one more in the Eagle nest visited earlier just beware that a new eagle will have spawned during the Generation Leap. With 6 babies and analyzing 3-4 corpses, this is a substantial energy resource. Conquering your Fear with a child present completely fills your energy as well, but analyzing the dead is the quickest way to earn Energy and has the least risk involved.

Intro to Expeditions

For the purposes of the guide, you are going to move your entire clan to a new settlement. Taking any member beyond the current settlement is risky, moving the entire clan is incredibly risky. This early on, you are significantly underdeveloped and all members will be completely reliant on you for protection. This gets easier with Neuronal progress, but this is a great learning opportunity and will complete some feats while also exposing you to some new situations.

Start by gathering all the members, hold Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (44) to call out and have all nearby members become followers, forming an Expedition. Be sure to switch between members and have them carry the babies for their safety as well. Be sure to supply members with items that you can quickly take from them as needed to defend the group, which should be a bunch of Sharpened Sticks (Altered - Dead Branch) and Basalt Choppers (Altered - Basalt); food and medicine can be found relatively easy, so these are less important to take along. Eventually, neuronal upgrades will allow members to use carried items to defend themselves, but for now, you will need to protect your clan on your own.

When you are ready to move the clan, make your way out and down to the jungle floor; followers will always traverse the area safely and will avoid falling, even if you don’t. Once you reach the floor, feel free to inspect and identify anything new you come across. You will want to stay close to the stream and follow the flow of water away from the Hidden Waterfall Oasis. Keep an eye on your Fear meter at the bottom left, if it changes to Alert (Yellow) use your sound sense to try and quickly find the threat. If your fear meter turns to Panic (Red) one of your members is likely under attack.

If you follow the river from the previous settlement site, you should come to the first memorable location that can be Discovered, The Sister Arches.

Intro to Intimidation – Dodge/Counter continued

Here is where you are likely to encounter your first regular (non-bird) animal, an Eastern Green Mamba. This crawling threat poses minimal risk, inflicting Venom Poisoning if you are bitten, which can easily be cured with fresh water or a Cracked/Pierced Coconut.

Emergence of Scientific Thinking* – Cured yourself from a Venom Poisoning at least 5 times

This is a great first target to try to intimidate and practice the skills for dodge/counterattacking. Ideally, you can do all of these, as long as you keep provoking the animal by getting close to it as it attempts to flee. Your goal here will be to successfully Intimidate it once, Dodge twice, and then Counterattack to kill the snake, in this order.

Once you are close enough to it, the snake will likely approach you or another member in the clan, take this opportunity to try an Intimidation Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (45). If you were successful, it will attempt to flee, so chase it down to provoke it again; if you were unsuccessful, you will have provoked it into attacking you. Like the eagle encounter before, once the snake launches an attack time slows down and gives you a window of opportunity to react. Your first move should be sure to dodge.

A successful dodge should result in your hominid jumping out of the way and avoiding a bite. You will likely also drop your carried items in the process, at least until you can acquire the neuronal upgrades that will reduce or eliminate this from happening. After dodging, the snake will then attempt to flee, this is true for most non-predatory threats, with some exceptions. Once you get a successful Intimidation and dodge it twice, be sure to pick up a weapon then provoke the snake once more in order to setup a counterattack.

Successfully killing the snake will leave behind a Carcass, which you can Butcher by using a rock item, turning the corpse into a pile of meat; this is more of an FYI as you cannot process this meat yet and if consumed will lead to Non-Omnivore.

All encounterable animals have similar feats to be intimidated (birds cannot be intimidated), dodged from twice, and killed.

Master of Escape - From Crawling Threats

Feared Species

Brave Predator

A Giant Warthog is generally near the Green Mamba as well. If it didn’t already get driven away or attacked you while dealing with the Green Mamba, scan the area to locate the target. You are unlikely to Intimidate anything bigger than the Green Mamba at this point, but you can give it a try, these are common throughout most regions so you can always intimidate one later on. Be sure to dodge twice, then counter this Irascible Threat. If you are lucky, you can kill the warthog in 1 hit, however, you will generally need 2-3 successful strikes with a sharpened stick to finish it off, so you may need to chase it down or let it return to the area to encounter it again.

Master of Escape - From Irascible Aggressors

Feared Rivals

Feared Predator

An attack from the Warthog can inflict a minor or major injury if you fail to dodge or have an unsuccessful counterattack. Curing the injury by consuming Horsetails or Khat, which are easily found nearby, will earn progress in the one of the medical related feats depending on the severity of the effect.

Foundation of Medical Insight* - Healed yourself from a Minor [Major] Injury at least 5 times

Intro to Establishing a new Settlement

After the warthog encounter be sure to Discover the memorable location, The Sister Arches.

Birth of a Cartographer

After discovery, locate a few Natal Grass Cycads and create a sleep spot near or under the stone arches. When placed within the bounds of a memorable or Oasis location that is not your current settlement site, you will have the option to establish a new settlement. Standing at the sleep spot in the new area, you should see Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (46) Settle. Hopefully you have at least 16 following clan members, which will complete the following feat series and earn an achievement no matter how many members are in the expedition.

Territorial Dominance

  • Home Builder

    You have established a new settlement for your clan. A real leader!

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (47)

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Note: Establishing a new settlement with form a new settlement zone around the landmark, just remember that any member outside of this zone when performing a Generation leap will result in those members being removed from the clan. Since members do not relocate to the new site automatically, you will need to direct them to follow you to the new site to avoid this.

With a new settlement zone, make sure you still have all of your clan following, then continue to follow the flow of water until you reach the edge of a swamp, you should see trees with exposed roots growing out of Stagnant Water.

From here, I suggest following the elevated path to the right, and follow that along the edge of the swamp. There is a Rock Python up here, and it is likely already making its way towards your group. Like the other encounters so far, try to intimidate it, dodge twice, and then kill it to make additional progress in the applicable feat categories. It will take 2-4 successful strikes with the Sharpened Stick, so be sure to re-equip your clan if you can find dead trees that provide the resource in between attacks.

The python can inflict the Bleeding negative status effect if bitten. This effect must be treated otherwise the member slowly bleeds to death, slowly draining the life expectancy meter; so be sure to know how to treat this. Near the water you can usually find Horsetails, stripping this plant will provide the Horsetail Leaves that can cure this; or Kapok Fibers can be found up in the trees at the end of branches. Both are quick, easy to come by treatments. Acquiring and then curing bleeding will contribute to another feat.

Foundation of Medical Insight* - Healed yourself from a Bleeding Injury at least 5 times

Note: The Rock Python doesn’t kill members outright. Instead, the targeted clan member will be immobilized as the snake gradually constricts the victim to death, therefore, if you act quickly you can rescue them by enticing it to attack you if you get close enough, or successfully intimidate it to drive it away from its prey. If you happen to be the victim of the attack, you automatically transfer control to another member, allowing you to still go and rescue the victim if you are quick enough.

As you traverse the elevated region around the swamp, you will likely also be ambushed by a Stalker Cat at some point. This is a Machairodus and can be Golden, Black, or White, the first one is likely going to be a Golden, the most common. Aside from color of their coat, there is little difference between them. For additional info about this threat, please refer to the General Hints and Tips page.

NOTE: These cats are one of the most dangerous animal encounters you will face, they will spawn randomly in the area, and can easily takeout several members of the group if you are not careful. Stalker Cats do not stop attacking until successfully intimidated or counterattacked, will cause bleeding to their victims, and they can immobilize members by pinning them while continuing to deal more damage.

Like the encounters before, there are feats associated to intimidating, dodging twice (achievement), and killing each of the three variants of cat. Additionally, you will need to kill each version to progress the APEX! Achievement. Since the risk to your clan is great, I strongly suggest you run right at it once it shows up and instigate it into attacking you, countering when it does to drive it away and secure your clan. Don’t mess around with dodging right now, you risk dropping your held item which leaves you unable to counter and this predator can quickly move on to another member of the group, putting your entire expedition in danger. Any member attacked will suffer from bleeding, so deal with that if needed once you continue.

As you work your way around the swamp, if you stick close to the rock cliff map boundary you will eventually reach another landmark to discover, The Cliff Cascade. From here head downhill towards the swamp we have been walking around, your target is the cause of the smoke plume, if it is still visible.

OBJECTIVE - Inspect a meteorite

Near the water’s edge you should see the meteorite crash site from the cut-scene earlier, and the Big Swamp location can also be discovered. Use caution near the water, as there should to be a Thorbjarnarson's Crocodile in the area that could attack; it could be in the water or on land near the meteorite site. Additionally, there is another Giant Warthog roaming the area and if you are lucky enough to have both of these animals near each other, you might get a cutscene of the croc attacking the warthog if you get close enough to trigger the scene.

NOTE: Animals can interact with one another, but triggering the scene usually requires you to physically be close or cause one animal to move into the range of the other. These encounters are part of a series of feats and will be discussed a little bit later, Astute Dominator of the [Animal].

The crocodile is one of the Apex! predators that will eventually need to be killed, as well as applicable feats associated with intimidating, dodging twice, and killing it. However, it may be best to avoid a confrontation with the croc right now, as it will put your clan at risk. Instead, simply run up and Inspect the Meteorite Site. Picking up the meteorite is needed for the objective but is not necessary to receive the Meteorite’s Radiation effects, inspecting the site is sufficient.

Intro to Conquering your Fear

The full benefit of the radiation is unrealized until you return to the settlement and lie down at a sleep spot, however the prospect of 12 neurons to reinforce means there is a need for neuronal energy in order to learn enough to support. If your energy meter is already full, you may want to go spend your current reserve of energy in order to make room for more. Given a settlement zone at The Sister Arches, you only need to proceed a little further out past The Big Swamp landmark, towards The Little Swamp, to trigger the fog for Fear of the Unknown; as long as you are controlling an adult member, as Elders do not experience Fear of the Unknown.

Once you enter the fog, the screen turns grey and your fear meter will slowly build up. Before Hysteria can set in, you will need to use your Intelligence and Sense of Smell to Identify known items around you until you can Rationalize your surroundings, receiving a pop up “Fear Zone Rationalized” when you have done so. If necessary, you can flee the fog by heading towards the Blue Orb that is generated behind you, which signifies where you came from and what is already known in order to avoid hysteria. Once your fear is rationalized, you will need to proceed further into the fog towards the White Orb, which is in the direction that the lines in the air are moving towards if the orb is not readily visible. Once you actually reach the white orb, the grey disperses a little and you are given a prompt to Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (50) Conquer. This will let out a boosted intimidation call, scaring away any potential threats nearby as you regain your sense of direction. If you are accompanied by at least 1 child, your neuronal energy reserve is completely filled as well. You will need to do this a total of 5 times for an achievement, and 20 times to complete the applicable feat category. I am putting the achievement here, but just note that you will need to make progress on this as you go.

Fearless Leader*

  • Courageous Hominid!

    With great courage, you conquered your fears many times and widened your clan's territory.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (51)

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Now you should make your way back to the existing settlement at The Sister Arches or resettle at the Hidden Waterfall Oasis for safety, anything beyond these can have a Stalker Cat spawn nearby which could see your members killed off while you are away. Once you’re back to safety, find a sleep spot to update the neuronal. When ready, proceed with another Generation leap, reinforcing up to 12 more skills.

The Third Generation - Evolution Leap

You can consider this generation a free pass, the only real need for them is to initiate the Evolution Leap in order to integrate any matured Genetic Mutations by Adult or Elders into the clan. If you want to make some progress in the list of feats or achievements, this is generally the best time to do so as well. FYI, an evolution leap doesn’t allow you to reinforce any skills, so forming couples and birthing babies is not necessary this generation as energy is not needed. Any exploration you do should only be done by the non-Mutation carrying members in the clan. This is your opportunity to be a little more reckless, push your limits, and improve your learned skills while exploring more of what is available in the game. I suggest you work on feats pertaining to animal encounters (intimidating, killing, and dodging) at this time; if you have improved intimidation skills and are successful on larger predators, you can even start finding opportunities to have animals cross paths and kill one another.

Intro to Astute Dominator

If you followed along with the guide thus far, you should now have 6 adults, all with Genetic mutations due to the benefit provided by inspecting the meteorite previously. Therefore, you should only have a few Elders in the group that do not carry a genetic mutation, so be sure to control one of them. Since Elders don’t experience Fear of the Unknown, we will limit this journey to try and create an encounter that involves two other threats in an effort to have one kill the other. Most of these situations are describes as Astute Dominator of the [Insert Animal] in the Evolution Feats page, so refer there to see which animals you want to try and have cross paths for this purpose.

When you are ready, grab a dead branch (unaltered) and a basalt chopper to carry along to defend yourself. The dead branch can be used offensively if needed, but will also increase your chances at a successful intimidation check; as it makes you appear larger than the stick or sharpened stick would (the Natal Grass Cycad is better but has no defensive benefit). You should travel alone or only with other non-Genetic Mutation carrying members, as this journey can be risky. Your destination is the meteorite site at The Big Swamp once again, specifically because of there are up to 4 animals in a small proximity that can lead to several opportunities to influence animal on animal violence. I suggest using the trees to get to the intended destination, traveling through the branches will avoid a stalker cat attack and bypasses the Rock Python, who will instead follow you towards the water once you get close enough to gain its attention.

Once you arrive at the meteorite site, this is where things get difficult. Animals in close proximity may not interact automatically, sometimes they do but most often they need a catalyst. You may get lucky and as you get close to the area the warthog, python, and/or croc are within a few feet from one another and you will get a cut-scene of one attacking the other. Most likely though, you need to influence one animal to move towards the other to encourage an outcome. This is typically done with a successful intimidation, which will drive the fleeing animal away from you and hopefully close enough to the other to see an interaction; you can also accomplish this from a dodged attack where the animal flees afterwards or a successful counterattack that doesn’t kill the attacker. It will take some practice to understand how the animal flees from each scenario, in order to line the two up correctly as well as figuring out how close you need to be for the scene to activate. If you chase a fleeing animal they generally run straight from you, letting you “steer” it towards the target until they get far enough away or turn on you if you get too close. You can use dead branches or Natal Grass Cycad to appear bigger and improve your intimidation chances.

NOTE: These are the most difficult feat categories available. Some of these situations just might not happen, so take advantage of the ones you can complete but don’t worry about trying to complete all of them since you don’t need 100% to complete the game/achievement list. There are many variables that influence the outcome between the animals, you could be trying for A kills B, but end up with B killing A. Reducing the health of the animal you want killed can help influence which kill which, but this is still difficult to predict. Additionally, some animals might not be found close to each other, resulting in you needing to get creative.

Since the warthog will be the easiest of the animals in the area to Intimidate, you want to influence it into the path of the python or crocodile. The python would be the next target to try to intimidate, towards the warthog or croc.

If a stalker cat spawns nearby, you might get lucky and have it cross paths with one of the three others nearby automatically, if not this is a great opportunity to dodge it twice before either killing it or trying to drive it into another by counterattacking.

  • Miss Me! Miss Me!

    You have successfully dodged a Machairodus' attack twice.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (54)

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Due to numerous variables, you may unlock any number of dominator feats available.

Astute Dominator of the [Rock Python], [Crocodile], or [Machairodus]

After this event, follow up with whatever animal is left standing and work to try to Intimidate, Dodge twice, and Kill, as needed to complete the applicable feats. Ideally, this would be the Crocodile and/or Machairodus would remain.

Apex Predator - Killed a Crocodile / [Golden]* Machairodus

NOTE: Having one Apex predator kill another does not count towards the APEX! achievement, so be aware that you will need to deal the final blow during a counterattack to make progress. If the cat was only driven away, you will want to explore the area, long enough for it to respawn so you can end it. Once both the crocodile and stalker cat have been killed off, return to your settlement and find a sleep spot.

Intro to Evolution

With sufficient progress made in the Evolution Feats categories, and Elder members carrying matured genetic mutations, this is the best time to proceed with an Evolution Leap and to activate those mutations.

Access the Evolution menu from a sleep spot in the settlement. Cycle over to the Evolution tab, and press Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (58) Evolve. You will now cycle through all the completed Feats thus far, adding additional years to your leap forward in time, bonus time for feats completed earlier that science predicted. The time advanced will vary depending on the totality of feats accomplished, but everything highlighted in the guide thus far should have been more than enough to exceed 900,000 years progressed. This will put you past the first evolution milestone of 9,100,000 years ago, Sahelanthropus Tchadensis “Toumai” and your clan will have become a moved advanced species.

Continued Playthrough – Clean Up

Following your leap, you will now control a new set of Gen 1 clan members, but likely in a new location. Take a few moments to figure out where you are, and explore your new settlement zone for resources. You should be relatively safe, but work quickly to understand your nearby threats and make a determination whether or not to risk moving your clan somewhere else.

The Playthrough Summary will continue to be your guide as you work to complete the various other objectives, achievements, and feats that remain, as you continue to work towards advancing your clan though the millennia on a path to the final Evolutionary Milestone. Your progress will lead you to explore several new regional biomes beyond the Jungle, overcoming new threats, and expanding your Neuronal to become a more advanced and evolved hominid. Please keep in mind, you must complete a new feat between Evolution Leaps, Discovering a new Landmark or Oasis location is a quick and easy way to accomplish this; be sure to reference the Evolution Feats page for specifics.

Apex! and Conquer you fear – continued progress

As you continue your journey, be sure to continue expanding your known territory by Conquering your Fear, as an Adult. Just a reminder that you need to do this at least 5 times to unlock an achievement, 20 times to complete the feat series on this topic.

  • Courageous Hominid!

    With great courage, you conquered your fears many times and widened your clan's territory.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (59)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (60)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (61)

In your effort to explore new territory, keep an eye out for the rest of the Apex! predators that you need to kill. So far in the guide, you have crossed paths with the Bateleur Eagle, Golden* Machairodus (1 of 3 possible variants), and a Crocodile, which leaves several others that need to be hunted down as you journey across the map. The other two versions of the Machairodus cats spawn randomly, more often outside of the Jungle region. Since the Savannah region is the most diverse biome in the game, this is the best place to encounter most of the remaining animals/predators to kill. The Hyena and Jackal are readily found wandering this region, and you should be able to get all three versions of the Machairodus to spawn as well. Following a visit to the Savannah region, the only other predator that will need to be discovered is the Miocene Pelican. Found only in the Ocean region, the pelican is another bird type predator, similar to the Bateleur Eagle. Like the eagle, this bird is found in limited areas, generally high on the cliffs or on top of the rock pillars in the region, usually near a nest. Just a reminder that you must deliver the killing blow during a counterattack, having a clan member defend themselves or causing the predator to be killed by another animal will not count for the achievement.

  • Bateleur Eagle
  • Crocodile
  • Golden Machairodus
  • Black Machairodus
  • White Machairodus
  • Black-Backed Jackal
  • Hyena
  • Miocene Pelican
  • Apex!

    You are the Apex Predator now! You have killed all possible predators.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (62)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (63)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (64)

Neuronal – Achievement specific Branches

As you develop the Neuronal, keep in mind there are 2 achievements related to unlocking a specific neuron at the end of Motricity and Omnivore branches. Both require the addition of Genetic Mutations, so it may take some time, and luck, to acquire the necessary genetic mutations. Remember, mutations have a chance to be acquired at birth or added to babies with the use of a Meteorite; please reference the Map page to see which locations unlock which meteorites, and the General Hints and Tips page for specifics on the benefits provided by this unique resource. Additionally, some advanced neurons may require progress through the Evolution Milestones as well, in order to have an energy pool large enough to completely energize the final skill in the branch that will award the achievement.


The easier of the two neuron specific achievements is found at the end of the Motricity branch and can quickly be reached relatively early on if you know what is necessary to mature the necessary neurons. Bipedalism, once learned, will allow your clan members to walk and run upright on two legs at all times. There is a small movement speed improvement but otherwise has no other impact on your hominids abilities, i.e. carrying two items, climbing, etc. The initial neurons in this branch can be matured by using Intelligence and Senses while standing upright to extend your range. Subsequent progress is made while taking step from an upright position, standing then moving or wading through water can mature these nodes. This branch will also requires two genetic mutations, Lower Body Strength and Speed. You don’t need to complete the entire branch, but once you unlock the Bipedalism neuron you will unlock the associated achievement.

  • One small step for a man

    You have unlocked the ability to walk on two legs.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (65)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (66)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (67)


The second neuron specific achievement is easily the most time consuming achievement in the game and will require you to complete the entire neuronal sub-branch of the same name, Omnivore. Acquiring this specific neuron at the end of the branch has a significant energy cost as well, so you will likely need reach one of the final Evolution Milestone before this is even obtainable even if you have the final neuron Initiated.

At the start of the game, the first baby you controlled will always carry the Nutrient Absorption genetic mutation; as long as that child survived to become an Adult/Elder and was alive when you underwent the Evolution leap, you will now have access to several new Metabolism sub-branches: Omnivore, Preventative Medication, and Therapeutic Medication. While the other two are noteworthy, only the Omnivore branch is needed for an achievement.

Completing the Omnivore branch will require the ability to successfully assimilate nutrients from several food types that start off as incompatible with your hominid’s underdeveloped digestive system. The food types are Eumycota (Mushroom), Zygote (Egg), Mammal (mammal meat) and Oviparous (non-mammal meat), when consumed, cause the Non-Omnivore negative status effect until you complete the respective neurons within the Omnivore branch. Keep in mind, this branch will also requires two genetic mutations, both are called Xenobiotic Metabolism one pertaining to Oviparous, the other to Mammal.

Progress in the branch is made when you cure the Non-Omnivore status effect, following the consumption of a specific food type, rather than eating said item. Example – Eating a mushroom and receiving Non-Omnivore, then curing yourself, will only progress the Eumycota neuron portion within the branch. The severity of the status effect is irrelevant, so it is best to stop eating the item once you get the ailment, cure yourself, then continue eating, repeat as needed. The negative effect will slowly decline over time and eventually go away on its own, however, you can expedite the process by drinking fresh water. With secure access to water, stockpiling applicable resources in your settlement may be a good idea to process the food in a safe place.

Mushrooms are the easiest of the Omnivore food types to come by, as you can find them readily available on dead logs common in most regions, especially the Jungle; or under most lift-able rocks, and they replenish following a leap. Several eggs (snake, crocodile, and bird) can be found in a nest, generally found near the applicable animal’s spawn location, these can be hard to find at first but replenish like other resources following a leap, so take advantage of found locations to find enough of the resource. Oviparous meat comes from Fish, Crayfish, or Scorpions that can be found in Fishing Spot or a Hole-to-Poke, as well as carcasses from Snakes, Crocodiles, or Birds. Mammal meat is only obtained from mammal carcasses. Carcasses may need to be butchered first, if killed by you or a clan member; if killed by another animal they will already be broken down and ready to consume. Be aware, carcasses will de-spawn following a Generation or Evolution leap, so be sure to consume or move the resources to a stockpile for preservation as needed in order to supply the quantity needed to mature the respective neurons.

As stated above, this is very time-consuming process to gather and consume enough of each food type, then repeatedly cure yourself of the negative effects to successfully mature each of the nine basic neurons while also getting lucky enough along the way to carry forward the additional two genetic mutations. This may be one of the last achievements you will get, you may even need to return to your clan after reaching the final Evolution Milestone to continue making progress on this. The final neuron, Omnivorous should unlock once all previous 10 neurons in the branch are learned/effective. If not, you may need to eat one of each food type to actually gain the nutritional value from it to carry it forward and mature the neuron.

  • All You Can Eat

    You have developed your lineage so you can now assimilate nutrients from all kinds of food.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (68)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (69)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (70)

Evolution Milestones

All your progress made in-game will be contributing to your progress through the millenia, with the playthrough goal of reaching the final state of evolution. Undergoing Evolution leaps, regularly, will gradually advance you through numerous Evolution Milestones. Completing feats will advance you further in time during an Evolution Leap, and gets you closer to the “end” faster. Be sure to check out the Evolution Feats page for a list of all available feats that are possible in game. Keep in mind, you do not need to complete all of these, but a majority of them will be necessary to get you through the required number of years to cross each milestone threshold. There are five achievements thatare associated to these milestones, so these will unlock over time as you work to “complete” the game.

Orrorin Tugenensis "Millenium Man" – less than 7,200,000 years ago

  • Millenium Man

    Your lineage has reached Orrorin Tugenensis' era.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (71)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (72)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (73)

Ardipithecus Ramidus "Ardi" – less than 5,500,000 years ago

  • Ardi

    Your lineage has reached Ardipithecus Ramidus' era.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (74)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (75)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (76)

Australopithecus Afarensis "Lucy" – less than 3,900,000 years ago

  • Lucy

    Your lineage has reached Australopithecus Afarensis' era.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (77)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (78)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (79)

Australopithecus Africanus "The Taung child" – less than 2,500,000 years ago

  • The Taung Child

    Your lineage has reached Australopithecus Africanus' era.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (80)

    1 guideGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (81)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (82)

hom*o Ergaster "Turkana boy" – less than 2,000,000 years (not playable)

  • Heritage

    Your lineage has evolved to become the most advanced species in Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey.

    Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (83)

    3 guidesGuide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (84)Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (85)

This completes the walkthrough portion of the guide, I hope you found it helpful. If you missed any achievement, you can continue your playthrough, which will return you to just before the final Evolution Leap, allowing you to continue where you left off and keep your progress in the Neuronal. Alternatively, you can start a new game, and edit the starting clan size, location, and evolutionary state if you think that will help.

Thank you for using my walkthrough and congrats on your completion!

5. Evolution Feats

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Guide for Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.