Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (2025)

Lost Ark


Una’s Tasks

Last Updated: March 6th 2024

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Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (1) Una's Tasks are daily quests which you can complete up to 6x a day per character. Normally, you're only allowed to do 3x Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (2) Una's Tasks per character. Most people treat Una's Tasks as a source of Leap Stones and Shards. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (3) Una's Tasks offer so much more rewards than that, though. After completing a certain amount of Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (4) Una's Tasks, you can receive rewards like Pirate Coins, Island Tokens, Masterpieces, Omnium Stars and other collectibles. This guide will focus on the most important Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (5) Una's Tasks that you should make sure you do every day on your main and your alts!

Una's Tasks Reputation Rewards

All reputation rewards include either Silver or Pirate Coins. I will not be including the amount of Silver as part of the reputation rewards or any other miscellaneous items.


Skill Points

Omnium Star

Island Soul

Giant's Heart


Sea Bounty

Repairing the Seal Site - Xeneela Ruins - Rohendel
You must complete this Una's Task 7x in addition to other prerequisites for Rohendel's Skill Point Potion quest to appear. For more details, please click this link. This Una's Task also provides a stronghold merchant upgrade in addition to one of Rohendel's cooking ingredients.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (6) Repairing the Seal Site 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (7) The Rebuilding of Xeneela
Level 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Mana-Infused Soup
Level 4 - 80/80
Level 5 - 150/150
Elzowin's Blessed Letter
Level 6 - 150/150

Domination Potion
Choir Teacher - Whispering Islet - Open Sea
Requires the questImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (8)The New Us on the island completed before you can take this Una's Task. You must also have completed Yorn's main story quest as well.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (9) Whispering Minuet 2/2
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (10) Whispering Resonance 3/3
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (11) Whispering Harmony 5/5
Level 1 - 20/20
Level 2 - 30/30

Vitality Increase Potion
Level 3 - 50/50
Skill Point Potion
Wisdom Isle Assistant Librarian - Wisdom Isle - Open Sea
Requires the quest Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (12)The Infinite Darkness to be completed which is located in North Vern (Vern Castle) given by the Lunar Knight NPC
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (13) Librarian's Assistant 3/3
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (14) No Talking in the Library 4/4
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (15) No Talking in the Library 7/7
Level 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 40/40

Level 3 - 70/70
Skill Point Potion
Purification Colony - Tikatika Colony - Punika
After completing this Una's Task 21x, you will unlock Punika's 2nd Another Story quest.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (16) Pond of Purification 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (17) Madness Piles on the Altar 14/14
Level 1 - 70/70
Level 2 - 140/140

Vitality Increase Potion
Omnium Star #2
Weeping Sea - Notos Island - Open Seas
To unlock this Una's Task, complete the questImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (18)A Whale of a Quest on the island. You only need to complete the Una's Tasks here 3x for the Notos Island Soul quest to appear on the island. Complete the Una's Tasks here 6x to receive Humpback Whale Oil. With that, you may use it to get Ice Maze Isle Token on Ice Maze Isle.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (19) Whale Tale 1/1
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (20) Whalekeeper's Reward 2/2
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (21) Whale Watching
Level 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 50/50

Humpback Whale Oil
Level 3 - 100/100
Vitality Increase Potion
Catch the Criminals - Runaways Island - Open Seas
You only need to complete the Una's Tasks here 6x for Runaways Island Token.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (22) Crook CatcherLevel 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 50/50

Pirate Coins x10,000
Runaways Island Token
Level 3 - 100/100
Pirate Coins x20,000
Peyto - Peyto - Open Seas
Completing Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (23) A Hard Day at Work will unlock the 4th part of a quest line,Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (24)Time for a Takedown. You must complete this before unlocking the next Una's Task. Be aware that this quest requires the Roar emote. You must then complete Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (25) Everything Circles Back Around 4x for the Peyto Island Soul quest to appear.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (26) A Hard Day at Work 1/1
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (27) Another Hard Day at Work 2/2
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (28) Everything Circles Back Around 4/4
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (29) Dance Time Redux
Level 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 30/30

Pirate Coins x6,000
Level 3 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x16,000
Swiftness Potion
Crafting Recipe: Game Table
School is Fun - Totopia - Open Seas
Requires the questImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (30)Ugly Little Pigerett on the island completed first. You only need to complete the Una's Tasks here 5x for the Totopia Island Soul quest to appear on the island.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (31) True Teacher of TotopiaLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 40/40

Level 3 - 100/100
Wisdom Potion
Silver 18,000
Club Manager - Revelry Row - Open Seas
The Revelry Row Island Soul is a reward from the quest Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (32)Unbreakable Beat. To receive this quest, you must complete 6 days of the Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (33) Una's Task: Cocktail in Hand for Revelry Row.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (34) Cocktail in HandLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 50/50

Level 3 - 100/100
Vitality Increase Potion
Examining the Ship - Atropos - Open Seas
Atropos Island Soul is a RNG drop from Wish Pouch. Wish Pouch is a reward for throwing Lynnis Commemorative Coin in the fountain near the middle of the town square, pictured below. You get 3 Lynnis Commemorative Coin every time you complete the Una's Task on Atropos.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (35) What's in the ShipLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Stat Increase Potion
Mederiel's Letter
The New Book - Fantasm Island - Open Seas
Fantasm Island Soul requires 7 days to acquire. Purchase 7 Lat's Poetry Book in advance and set a Bifrost here to save time. Purchase 17 if you want to complete the entire reputation.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (36) Poetry in MotionLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 60/60

Fantasm Island Soul
Level 3 - 100/100
Stat Increase Potion
Lopang Inc. - Lopang Island - Open Seas
Lopang Island is one of the easiest Silver generation Una's Tasks if you're running low. Simply take the Vern, Arthetine, and Shushire Una's Task and set up a bifrost on each continent. Complete on an alt in under 5 minutes. Once you have completed 6 of the SAME Una's Task for a region, the Lopang Island Token will appear.
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (37) Special Delivery: East Luterra
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (38) Special Delivery: Tortoyk
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (39) Special Delivery: Anikka
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (40) Special Delivery: Vern
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (41) Special Delivery: Arthetine
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (42) Special Delivery: Shushire
Level 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 30/30
Level 3 - 50/50
Vitality Increase Potion
Melody of the Sea: Brahms
Crafting Recipe: Messenger Pigeon Post
Only the Strong Survive - Goblin Island - Open Seas
Each Una's Task completion rewards you with 5 Golden Goblin Coins. It takes 3 coins to buy the Goblin Pandora from the NPC on the island for a chance of Goblin Island Soul dropping.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (43) Only the Strong Survive 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (44) Prove Your Mettle
Level 1 - 30/30
Golden Goblin Coin x10
Level 2 - 40/40

Golden Goblin Coin x20
Level 3 - 80/80
Vitality Increase Potion
Only the Strong Survive - Gesbroy - Open Seas
Gesbroy Island Soul is a reward for reaching the max reputation tier for the Una's Task on the island. It will take at most 20 days of the Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (45) Una's Task completion for the island for you to acquire the Island Soul.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (46) A Great Beer Snack 2/2
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (47) An Even Better Beer Snack 3/3
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (48) The Beer Snack to End All Beer Snacks
Level 1 - 40/40
Level 2 - 60/60

Courage Potion
Level 3 - 100/100
Gesbroy Island Soul
Guardian - Isteri - Open Seas
Isteri Island Soul requires 21 days to acquire. This Una's Task requires the Kadan story quest line completed.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (49) Peering into ChaosLevel 1 - 70/70
Level 2 - 70/70

Courage Potion
Level 3 - 70/70
Isteri Island Soul
The Story of the Mokomoko Night Market- Mokomoko Night Market - Open Seas
Mokomoko Night Market Island Soul requires 15 days to acquire. This Una's Task requires the Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (50)The Happy Mokomoko Night Market quest to be completed which can be found on the island.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (51) How to Succeed at LengthLevel 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 50/50

Level 3 - 70/70
Mokomoko Night Market Island Soul
KIlling the King - Tooki Island - Open Sea
If you don't use Una's Tasks [Daily] Instant Completion Pass for this Una's Task, each time you complete this daily, you get a chance at Tooki Island Soul.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (52) Taking on TookiLevel 1 - 70/70
Level 2 - 80/80

[a-item id=78132014]Crafting Recipe: Reinforced Safe Box[/la-item]
Level 3 - 120/120
7th Giant's Heart
Kindness Potion
The Reagent Experiment - Shadowmoon Market - Open Sea
This quest requiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (53)Alchemist Lychel's Sneaking Ambition. You only need to complete this Una's Task 5x. Afterwards, complete the other prerequisites for the 12th Giant's Heart quest to show up on the island. Click the island link above to find out more.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (54) Super Secret Materials for a Super Secret ProjectLevel 1 - 50/50
Toy Chest x1
Level 2 - 70/70

Toy Chest x2
Level 3 - 100/100
Toy Chest x3
Crafting Recipe: Exquisite Flower Garden
Insects in the Grass Fields - Azure Wind Island - Open Sea
Complete this Una's Task 15x for the Giant Heart. Click the island link above to find out more about the prerequisites.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (55) Ruffians in the GroundLevel 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 40/40

Level 3 - 80/80
11th Giant's Heart
Stat Increase Potion
Emote: Whistle
The Fermata's True Manager - Cradle of the Sea Fermata - Open Seas
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (56)For a Bigger Fermata completed before you can take the Una's Task.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (57) For the Fermata's Maintenance 2/2
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (58) For the Fermata's Safety
Level 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x7,000
Level 2 - 40/40

Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x19,000
Masterpiece # 28
The Cursed Ruins - Ozhorn Hill - Yudia
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (59) The Cursed RuinsLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Endurance Potion
Masterpiece # 9
Running the Port - Wavestrand Port - East Luterra
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (60) Moronto's AgentsLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Domination Potion
Masterpiece # 10
Prisoner Release - Karlhertz - Open Seas
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (61) Prisoner EmancipationLevel 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 40/40

Level 3 - 80/80
Stat Increase Potion
Masterpiece # 18
An Archeaologist's Request - Freedom Island - Open Seas
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (62) An Archeaologist's RequestLevel 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 40/40

Masterpiece # 19
Level 3 - 80/80
Stat Increase Potion
An Archeaologist's Request - Star Sand Beach - Punika
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (63) Help Wanted at the Hot Springs 5/5
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (64) Guard Wanted! 8/8
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (65) Customer Comes First
Level 1 - 50/50
Level 2 - 80/80

Level 3 - 120/120
Stat Increase Potion
Masterpiece # 48
A Father-Daughter Journey - Candaria Territory - South Vern
The prerequisite to unlockingImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (66)Unfinished Journey are the two quests;Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (67)Haiger's Daughter, Lily andImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (68)The Meaning of Lilies.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (69) Unfinished JourneyLevel 1 - 60/60
Level 2 - 100/100

Level 3 - 150/150
Masterpiece # 50
Star From the Surface - Ereonnor - Elgacia
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (70)Chamkuri and Cahni completed before you can take the Una's Task.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (71) Aspiring Writer: Audience 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (72) Aspiring Writer: Inspirations 7/7
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (73) Writer's Power: Finish Writing 1/1
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (74) Writer's Life: Fan Meeting
Level 1 - 70/70
Honing Shard Selection Chest x3
Level 2 - 70/70

Honing Support Selection Chest x3
Level 3 - 10/10
Menelik's Tome x2
Level 4 - 150/150
Legendary - Epic Card Pack II
Masterpiece # 57
Vern Magick Society - Candaria Territory - South Vern
Complete quest Ealyn's Summon from Ealyn in North Vern Castle. It is the 1st quest in the quest line for Another Story #2. Then wait for daily reset to then complete the 2nd quest in the quest line, Investigate Candaria's Holy Statue, to unlock this Una's Task.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (75) Feel the Fresh MagickLevel 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 50/50

Level 3 - 70/70
Secret Map


Pirate Coins

Leap Stones

Pirate Coins + Leap Stones

Card Pack

Catch the Criminals - Runaways Island - Open Seas
You only need to complete the Una's Tasks here 6x for Runaways Island Token.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (76) Crook CatcherLevel 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 50/50

Pirate Coins x10,000
Runaways Island Token
Level 3 - 100/100
Pirate Coins x20,000
Peyto - Peyto - Open Seas
Completing Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (77) A Hard Day at Work will unlock the 4th part of a quest line,Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (78)Time for a Takedown. You must complete this before unlocking the next Una's Task. Be aware that this quest requires the Roar emote. You must then complete Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (79) Everything Circles Back Around 4x for the Peyto Island Token quest to appear.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (80) A Hard Day at Work 1/1
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (81) Another Hard Day at Work 2/2
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (82) Everything Circles Back Around 4/4
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (83) Dance Time Redux
Level 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 30/30

Pirate Coins x6,000
Level 3 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x16,000
Swiftness Potion
Crafting Recipe: Game Table
The Fermata's True Manager - Cradle of the Sea Fermata - Open Seas
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (84)For a Bigger Fermata completed before you can take the Una's Task.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (85) For the Fermata's Maintenance 2/2
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (86) For the Fermata's Safety
Level 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x7,000
Level 2 - 40/40

Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x19,000
Masterpiece # 28
Completed in 1 minute or less
These Una's Tasks require on average, a minute or less to complete. I recommend taking the Feiton Una's Tasks, Kinsera's Memorial Service and Unsolved Mystery of the Watchers and setting up 2 Bifrosts for each. If possible, set up a 3rd Bifrost at Kalaja to acquire the rewards for both.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (87) Hope Island Una's Tasks (Hope Island)- x4 Leapstone (Bound)
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (88) Kinsera's Memorial Service (Nameless Valley) - x4 Leapstone (Bound)
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (89) Unsolved Mystery of the Watchers (Wailing Swamp) - x4 Leapstone (Bound)
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (90) Where it Belongs (Frozen Sea) - x4 Leapstone (Bound)
5. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (91) How to Succeed at Length (Mokomoko Night Market) - x4 Leapstone (Bound)
Completed in 5 minutes or less
These Una's Tasks require on average, between a minute to 5 minutes to complete, depending on how crowded the channel is at the time of completion.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (92) I Can't Just Sit On My Hands (Alakkir) - x5 Leapstone (Bound)
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (93) Prisoner Emancipation (Kalthertz) - x5 Leapstone (Bound)
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (94) Crystallized Secrets (Frost Haven) - x4 Leapstone (Bound)
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (95) Examine the Brilliant Spring (Hestera Garden) - x5 Leapstone (Bound)
Fast Sailing Sprint: Eurus - Sea of Gienah - Open Sea
The 3 required islands are Turtle Island, Tortoyk, and Revelry Row.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (96) Ride like the WindLevel 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x6,000
Level 2 - 60/60

Pirate Coins x12,000
Level 3 - 120/120
Pirate Coins x24,000
Fast Sailing Sprint: Eurus
The Defense - Hypnos's Eyes - Open Sea
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (97)Hypnos's Eyes Quest Chain completed.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (98) Playing by the Pirate's RulesLevel 1 - 20/20
Pirate Coins x17,000
Level 2 - 30/30

Pirate Coins x19,000
Level 3 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x36,000
Predator of the Sea: Tragon
Pest Control - Blackfang's Den - Open Sea
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (99)Hypnos's Eyes Quest Chain completed.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (100) Pest ControlLevel 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x6,000
Level 2 - 40/40

Pirate Coins x8,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x16,000
Vitality Increase Potion
Certificate of Pirate
Ghost Ship: Eibern's Wound - Blackfang's Den - Open Sea
Bleak Night Fog requires you to defeat the boss during the Ghost Ship event. Make sure to use F5 to progress the quest before killing the boss as you will not be able to get credit for the quest again until weekly reset. Consider using a Una's Tasks [Daily] Instant Completion Pass every day, otherwise it will take you 10 weeks to complete the reputation.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (101) Bleak Night FogLevel 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x7,000
Level 2 - 40/40

Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x12,000
Ghost Ship: Eibern's Wound
Pirate Star: Astray - Blackfang's Den - Open Sea
The easiest way to complete this quest is to do the sailing co-op every day at Arthetine or Yorn. The starting quest is guaranteed completion for this quest.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (102) She Drifts, Sea GiftsLevel 1 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x12,000
Level 2 - 80/80

Pirate Coins x19,000
Level 3 - 120/120
Pirate Coins x29,000
Astray Construction Blueprint
Catch the Criminals - Runaways Island - Open Seas
You only need to complete the Una's Tasks here 6x for Runaways Island Token.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (103) Crook CatcherLevel 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 50/50

Pirate Coins x10,000
Runaways Island Token
Level 3 - 100/100
Pirate Coins x20,000
Peyto - Peyto - Open Seas
Completing Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (104) A Hard Day at Work will unlock the 4th part of a quest line,Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (105)Time for a Takedown. You must complete this before unlocking the next Una's Task. Be aware that this quest requires the Roar emote. You must then complete Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (106) Everything Circles Back Around 4x for the Peyto Island Token quest to appear.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (107) A Hard Day at Work 1/1
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (108) Another Hard Day at Work 2/2
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (109) Everything Circles Back Around 4/4
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (110) Dance Time Redux
Level 1 - 10/10
Pirate Coins x2,000
Level 2 - 30/30

Pirate Coins x6,000
Level 3 - 50/50
Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x16,000
Swiftness Potion
Crafting Recipe: Game Table
The Fermata's True Manager - Cradle of the Sea Fermata - Open Seas
RequiresImportant Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (111)For a Bigger Fermata completed before you can take the Una's Task.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (112) For the Fermata's Maintenance 2/2
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (113) For the Fermata's Safety
Level 1 - 30/30
Pirate Coins x7,000
Level 2 - 40/40

Pirate Coins x10,000
Level 3 - 80/80
Pirate Coins x19,000
Masterpiece # 28
Candaria Merchant Group - Candaria Territory - South Vern
The prerequisite for the Legendary - Epic Card Pack Una's Tasks is the quest Ealyn's Summon taken from Ealyn in North Vern Castle. It is the 1st quest in the quest line for Another Story #2. The prerequisite for the Secret Map is the 2nd quest in the quest line, Investigate Candaria's Holy Statue shown in image 2. Each quest in the quest line appears after daily reset.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (114) From the North to the South 3/3
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (115) From the South to the North 3/3
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (116) The Story Flowing in the Luganic River
Level 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 30/30

Legendary - Rare Card Pack x3
Level 3 - 90/90
Legendary - Epic Card Pack x3


Virtue Stats

Adventure Tome Cooking Ingredients

Stronghold Merchant Upgrades

Wisdom Potion
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (117) Fairy's Friend (Vernese Forest)Complete 15 times
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (118) Anxious Mind (Port City Changhun)Complete 7 times
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (119) Totopia Tutor for a Day (Totopia)Complete 15 times
Courage Potion
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (120) Die a Hundred Deaths (Fesnar Highland)Complete 7 times
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (121) Kadan Cathedral's Exorcism Ritual (Medrinic Monastery)Complete 7 times
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (122) Playing by the Pirate's Rules (Hypnos's Eyes)Complete 10 times
4. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (123) A Great Beer Snack 2/2 (Gesbroy)
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (124) An Even Better Beer Snack 3/3
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (125) The Beer Snack to End All Beer Snacks
Complete 5 times
Charisma Potion
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (126) Don't Scrap the Scrap! 3/3 (Runaways Island)
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (127) Shorting the Circuits
Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (128) Core Competency
Complete 15 times
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (129) Frozen Memories (Icewing Heights)Complete 15 times
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (130) Hope Island Una's Tasks (Hope Island)Complete 15 times
Kindness Potion
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (131) A Boy's Dream (Lullaby Island)Complete 14 times
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (132) Taking on Tooki (Tooki Island)Complete 30 times
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (133) Android Emancipation (Hope Island)Complete 15 times
Repairing the Seal Site - Xeneela Ruins - Rohendel
15x Completion for Mana-infused Soup for Rohendel Food #5. Check this link for more details.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (134) Repairing the Seal Site 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (135) The Rebuilding of Xeneela
Level 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Mana-Infused Soup
Level 4 - 80/80
Level 5 - 150/150
Elzowin's Blessed Letter
Level 6 - 150/150

Domination Potion
Mischievous Fairy - Breezesome Brae - Rohendel
15x Completion for Magical Fermentation Boost for Rohendel Food #1. Check this link for more details.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (136) Mischievous FairyLevel 1 - 70/70
Level 2 - 80/80

Magical Fermentation Boost
Level 3 - 150/150
Swiftness Potion
Crafting Recipe: Large Windmill
Ka-BOOM! - Black Anvil Mine - Yorn
15x Completion for Old Boots for Yorn Food #2. Check this link for more details.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (137) Crash Boom Bang!Level 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 40/40

Level 3 - 80/80
Old Boots
Ka-BOOM! - Black Anvil Mine - Yorn
Food Chest for Trade for Yorn Food #7. Check this link for more details. Consider doing this on multiple alts. It takes on average somewhere between 50 to 100 chests to find the meat.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (138) Quality Check 3/3
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (139) Research and Development 6/6
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (140) Market Research
Level 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 60/60

Level 3 - 170/170
Umar Cosmetics' Invitation
Repairing the Seal Site - Xeneela Ruins - Rohendel
30x completion for Elzowin's Blessed Letter.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (141) Repairing the Seal Site 7/7
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (142) The Rebuilding of Xeneela
Level 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Mana-Infused Soup
Level 4 - 80/80
Level 5 - 150/150
Elzowin's Blessed Letter
Level 6 - 150/150

Domination Potion
Ka-BOOM! - Black Anvil Mine - Yorn
30x completion for Umar Cosmetics' Invitation.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (143) Quality Check 3/3
2. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (144) Research and Development 6/6
3. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (145) Market Research
Level 1 - 30/30
Level 2 - 60/60

Level 3 - 170/170
Umar Cosmetics' Invitation
Examining the Ship - Atropos - Open Seas
7x completion for Mederiel's Letter.
1. Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (146) What's in the ShipLevel 1 - 10/10
Level 2 - 20/20

Level 3 - 40/40
Stat Increase Potion
Mederiel's Letter


  • Complete the above Una's Tasks for valuable reputation rewards.
  • You will receive reputation rewards for a certain amount of completion.
  • You can complete multiple Una's Tasks on different alts.


Written by Yaen

Important Una's Tasks Guide for Lost Ark - (2025)
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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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