No Man's Sky Worlds Part 1 Update 5.0 Patch Notes - No Man's Sky Guide - IGN (2024)


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The 5.0 Update for No Man's Sky, titled Worlds Part 1, has arrived in-game and brings dozens and dozens of overhauls, new gameplay features, and more!

This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the 5.0 Update for No Man's Sky, including a link to the full Patch Notes.

The Liquidators Expedition


This new Big Hunt Expedition will see you engage in a galactic bug hunt, joining the Liquidator Vanguard to purge a spreading plague that threatens the universe. Exclusive rewards including mounted bug trophies, organic armor parts, and new posters are available for wiping out the giant insects across the galaxy in this fast-paced combat expedition.

Additionally, a new Liquidator Combat Mech has been added, and these combat components will be unlocked as you partake in the Liquidators expedition. Anyone unable to partake in the expedition will subsequently be able to unlock the parts via the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion.

World Overhauls

Many planets across the universe have seen dramatic overhauls, with new floating islands and their waterfalls. Alongside this, clouds have been overhauled to have greater definition and detail. Cloud coverage variety has been increased, so the skies above (or below) you will differ greatly from planet to planet. Shadows have also be improved for more realism and depth. This includes shadows cast by clouds, and any flora, fauna, or structures.

Wind simulation has been added, creating far more dynamic weather. This also incorporates dust clouds, smoke effects, snow, rain, and other weather conditions that are simulated far more realistically. The weather conditions on a planet also affect the newly dynamic water systems.

Water in particular has received a number of updates, allowing for bodies of water to have realistic wave formations and foam generations. This also brings improved reflections and surface details on the water in-game.

New fauna can also be found across the universe, including floral hybrids that blur the lines of flora and fauna. Additionally, sub-zero worlds now have frozen trees and rocks to reflect the conditions, along with entirely new flora and mineral formations. Desert planets have been similarly refined with their flora.

Solar Ship Customization

The Starship Fabricator now supports the crafting of Solar-class starships.


Discovery Renaming

Any discovery you've made can now be renamed at any time, even after being uploaded.

Engine Enhancements

Systems have been reworked for better visuals and performance across the board, with rendering being moved to a GPU-based system. Improved LOD's at further distances and angles further improve immersion

Patch Notes

Sky and Cloud Rendering

  • The atmospheric and volumetric cloud rendering system has been completely rewritten for vastly increased detail and definition.
  • Planets now exhibit a greater range of cloud coverage: over time; from planet-to-planet; and in response to weather conditions.
  • Planets with rain will no longer use the ambient rain effect when cloud coverage is insufficient.
  • Daytime sky colours are now significantly more varied.
  • Night-time ambient lighting is no longer always blue, and can vary according to the planet’s natural environment.
  • Night-time darkness levels now vary as the night progresses.
  • Night-time darkness now varies from planet-to-planet, with some being significantly darker than others

Water Rendering

  • Water rendering has been completely overhauled, and now uses a mesh-based system that allows for true wave and foam generation.
  • Water conditions vary over time in response to both local weather and the depth of the water at any particular location, producing effects from stormy seas and huge ocean swells to tranquil still ponds.
  • Water now reflects the sun and features ambient planetary reflections for dramatically increased visual quality.
  • Water colour variety has been significantly increased.
  • Base parts with glass now accurately render the water conditions outside.
  • Sealed underwater base parts will no longer “leak” water into the base.
  • Ships now leave splashes and trails in the water when flying low.
  • Underwater jetpack effects have been significantly improved.
  • Swimming effects have been significantly improved.
  • Starships can now be fitted with aquatic landing jets, allowing them to land or be summoned just above the surface of the ocean.
  • A biological equivalent of this technology has been added for living ships

General Engine Improvements

  • The shadow-rendering system has been reworked to take advantage of screenspace shadowing techniques, resulting in more richly lit planets and more accurate and more detailed shadows.
  • The rendering of planetary objects such as trees, rocks, and grass has been rewritten and moved to a more modern GPU-based system, allowing for more objects at a better performance.
  • Distant planetary objects now look significantly more detailed and realistic.
  • Terrain generation has been rewritten to incorporate dual marching cubes voxel meshing, which reduces vertex count, increases terrain generation speed, improves framerate and saves significant amounts of memory.
  • The component system has been reworked for increased speed and improved memory usage.
  • Networking systems have been improved for reduced bandwidth usage.
  • Significant memory and performance optimisations have been made across the entire game, particularly in metadata usage, texture streaming, LOD generation and procedural mesh generation



  • Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is an NVIDIA technology, available to

PC players with compatible RTX cards, which uses a deep learning neural network to boost frame rates and generate beautiful, sharp images.

  • Support for the latest iteration, DLSS3, has been added to No Man’s Sky.
  • DLSS3 multiplies performance by up to 4X compared to traditional rendering, while retaining great image quality. Learn more on the NVIDIA site

Planetary Variety

  • Planetary variety and diversity has been increased all across the universe.
  • New frozen, lush, desert, scorched, radioactive and toxic worlds await discovery and exploration.
  • Underlying terrain shapes have not been reset and existing planetary bases will not be moved.
  • The chance of a world having ancient bones or salvageable scrap has been increased.
  • Worlds with salvageable scrap occasionally feature additional rusted remnants to collect

Environmental Effects

  • The wind simulation has been reworked to bring planets to life and provide a consistent effect across each world, moving trees and leaves, smoke effects, rain, fog, and snow all in a unified system.
  • Fogging and particle systems have been improved for increased fidelity and better performance.
  • All ambient planetary environment effects have been totally reworked.
  • Storm effects have been completely overhauled.
  • Planets can now have a range of additional atmospheric effects that match their ambient weather and hazard conditions.
  • The visual effects for the jetpack have been overhauled.
  • The visual effects for storm crystals have been reworked and improved.
  • Footstep effect colouring has been improved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused starship contrails to display a low speed


  • A new type of procedurally-generated arthropod-style creature has been added and may appear on any world.
  • New types of procedurally-generated plant/animal hybrids have been added and may appear on any world.
  • New types of procedurally-generated synthetic constructs can now be found on selected worlds…
  • A new type of hostile creature has been added – the Brood Mother.
  • Some worlds have become infested with the Vile Brood. On such worlds, players can now find juicy grubs. Structurally harming these grubs will summon the Brood

Mother to project their young…

  • A new multiplayer mission has been added to the Nexus to find and destroy the vile brood.
  • Players who defeat brood mothers in combat may earn a variety of new titles and insectoid-themed helmet customisation options.
  • Over 40 new cooking recipes have been added, making use of products harvested from new creatures.
  • Biological horrors now drop cookable meat when killed.
  • When under AI pilot control, the Minotaur will now target and exterminate biological horrors.
  • The camera shake generated by the footsteps of colossal creatures has been reduced.
  • The “boss battle” style UI used when fighting capital ships is now also used when fighting Sentinel Walkers and the Vessel of Many Mouths, giving extra details about their health and status.
  • The Vessel of Many Mouths has been given additional ranged attacks, increasing the challenge of their encounter.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the acquisition of worm-cult story documents from the titan worm’s vile spawn


Liquidators Expedition

  • Expedition Fourteen, Liquidators, will begin shortly and run for approximately six weeks.
  • This expedition invites players to join the force of the Liquidator Vanguard as they seek to purge the universe of biological horrors old and new, including the infestations of the vile brood…
  • Rewards include new posters; custom bug-hunting trophies; a unique arthropod-themed jetpack and full set of matching armour.
  • All those who do their part and contribute to the community-wide efforts to exterminate the vile brood will earn pieces of the new Liquidator Heavy Exomech Hybrid, a set of heavy-duty armour for the Minotaur.
  • Among the enhancements available to the Liquidator Mech is a bespoke flamethrower unit, perfect for heavy damage at close range.
  • As the community makes progress in the expedition, the Liquidator Mech will become available at the Quicksilver Synthesis Companion for those unable to take part

Full Patch Notes

If you wish to read the Patch Notes in full, you can do so via the official No Man's Sky websites Update 5.0 Patch Notes blog post.

Up Next: No Man’s Sky Voyagers Expedition Event

PreviousUpdates and PatchesNextNo Man’s Sky Voyagers Expedition Event

Top Guide Sections

  • No Man's Sky Next Updates and Changes
  • Multiplayer
  • Missions
  • How to Name a Planet (Naming Rights)

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No Man's Sky Worlds Part 1 Update 5.0 Patch Notes - No Man's Sky Guide - IGN (1)

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No Man's Sky Worlds Part 1 Update 5.0 Patch Notes - No Man's Sky Guide - IGN (2024)


Is it OK to mod no man's sky? ›

The PC version of No Man's Sky can be modded to change features and add in game assets.

Can you pirate no man's sky? ›

Players can choose to engage in piracy themselves by attacking a freighter or other ships in a space fleet. Doing this will alert Sentinel Drone Starships, who will engage in combat with the player. Selected ships display their cargo in the same way as resources do.

What is the most valuable in no man's sky? ›

What's the most expensive material in the game? Activated Indium is the most expensive element at over 900 units each. The most valuable items you can find are rare artifacts or bones that can be worth somewhere between 1-2 million units.

How do you get an interceptor in no man's sky? ›

There are a variety of ways to locate a downed interceptor, including destroying a Sentinel capital ship; completing a bespoke story encounter; defeating new corrupted Sentinel planetary forces; and via mysterious new abandoned encampments.

What should I not sell in no man's sky? ›

  1. 1 Salvaged Frigate Modules.
  2. 2 Navigation Data.
  3. 3 Salvaged Data.
  4. 4 Copper.
  5. 5 Sodium & Sodium Nitrate.
  6. 6 Oxygen.
  7. 7 Carbon & Condensed Carbon.
Sep 10, 2023

Can you get banned for duplicating no mans sky? ›

as the title says - is duping items bannable in NMS? no... there's no score keeping and no competition... why anyone would yuck someone else's yum is beyond me...

Can I claim an abandoned ship in no man's sky? ›

The player can choose to claim and repair it, or exchange it for a better one at a Space Station or an Outpost. The crashed ship can be exchanged for one of the ships already owned, or, if fewer than twelve ships are already owned, it can be added to your starship collection.

What happens if you destroy a dreadnought NMS? ›

After destroying the dreadnought, you will receive a substantial reward for your assistance. However, if the normal freighter is also destroyed, you will only receive the dreadnought's scrap.

Can you go underwater in no man's sky? ›

Aquatic Missions

The Dreams of the Deep story brings a new context to the depths and a dark narrative to No Man's Sky. Discover the fate of a troubled crew stranded from a freighter crash by the rising tides, or explore underwater ruins to uncover the tale of a lost soul trapped deep beneath the waves.

What is the max money in NMS? ›

The maximum number of units that a player can accrue is 4,294,967,295 (approx 4.3 billion) (being FFFFFFFF in hexadecimal, thus being an overflow error) after which the number will not rise any further.

What is the most valuable crop in no man's sky? ›

The best value is Living Glass as it grows much more rapidly as both Liquid Explosive and Circuit Board grow in roughly 24 hours.

What's the best economy to sell in no man's sky? ›

In general: Systems with higher Sell modifiers will pay more when you sell Trade Items. Systems with lower Buy modifiers will charge less when you buy Trade Items. Systems with Sell modifiers in the range of +70-80% are optimal for selling your goods (80% being the maximum modifier)

What is the fastest Exocraft in no man's sky? ›

Pilgrim is the only two-wheeled member of the Exocraft family. With full upgrades in place, it is the fastest of any Exocraft on land. It is the most land-based member of the exocraft family, having a much shorter boost cooldown and being able to take huge leaps, but crawling while in water.

Can you get a bounty in no mans sky? ›

Bounties are opportunities to make units by destroying fugitive starships. They are random events with three levels of difficulty and reward.

Can you get banned for NMS mods? ›

If you want to play with a group doing PVP, the other players might get upset with you and kick you out of their game. As noted, be careful with the save game can suck the fun right out of the game for you. As a modder for NMS no you can't get banned.

Do mods affect multiplayer no man's sky? ›

You can play together all day long and it won't matter - but you won't be experiencing the same world without everyone loading up the same mods. I have a couple I always use. I highly recommend playing around with mods in this game. It's incredible!

Why was the Sky mod banned? ›

panzu originally took down the mod due to confusing nature of Sky as a character resulting in NSFW art being made of her, being unhealthy for her owner to see along with the death threats that resulted because of it.

Is no mans sky save editor banned? ›

Save editors have not been a problem in the past since the game is still, essentially, a single-player experience from an economic standpoint. So no, they aren't banning for them, and I don't see that changing.

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