The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 20 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1946 3. MISS HELEN ANN KUDJO BETROTHED TO VETERAN -Greenfeld, Sept. 24--The engagement of Miss Helen Ann Kudjo, daughter of Mrs Anna Kudjo of 18 Elm street, to Edward Kaczenski, son of Mr and Airs Steven Kaczenski of 141 Deerfield street, was announced today. No date has been set. for the wedding.

Miss Kudjo is a. Veteran of two years' service with the Canadian Women's Army. corps. Her served four years in the army and now 1s employed by Boston Maine railroad. GREENFIELD Possibly Paralytic Case Confirmed by Diagnosis Greenfeld.

Sept. 24-The Afth case of Infantile paralysis in Franklin county this season was reported today when Director Paul Nalon of Franklin County hospital said that complete diagnosis of the case of a Turners Falls girl showed she had the disease. The newest patient at the Isolation hospital is Miss Gloria Till, 23, daughter of Mr and, Mrs James Dion Turners Falls, whose case was described as possibly paralytic. Meanwhile, Joel Frigon of Davis street, was admitted to the hospital week ago, has been released. while the condition of Ralph Corliss of Shelburne Falls was reported improved.

Unimpeachable Sources Will Please Take Note Greenfield, Sept. 21-The left. hand doesn't know what the right hand, is doing at Greenfield high school, it became apparent today, when Coach Carl H. Nichols of the high school football eleven contradicted Supt Frederick W. Porter's statement that a home-and-home series.

had been arranged with Revere High. Nichols said he is negotiating with for a game at that on October 12, but that nothing definite has been settled and there has been no discussion of home-and-home series. TURNERS FALLS G. A. Marston Promoted To Full Professorship Turners Falla, Sept.

24-George A. Marston, son of Mr and. Mrs Wallace Marston of Marshall street, has been promoted to the post of full professor of engineering and head of the department 'of civil engineering at Massachusetts State college. He a graduate of the Turners Falls high of school and Worcester Institute Technology and did graduate work at the University of Wisconsin and the University of Iowa, receiving his master's degree from the latter. He to MSC in 1933 as.

proeessor of mathematics. In 1942 he was given military leave to. enter the navy ho served in California and in Newfoundland where. he directed submarine repair work. He was released last spring a lieutenant senior grade and returned immediately to MSC.

He is married, has two children and makes his home at 25 Kellogg strect, Amherst. brother, Charles, also served in the navy. He graduated from the University of New Hampshire. His father. recently resigned from the Keith Paper Co.

where he had served many years A8 treasurer. Sophia Laskey Weds Turners Falls, Sept. 24 Sopbia Laskey, daughter of Mr and Arg Laskey of Deerfield street, Greenfield, and Freeman Baker, son of Mr and Mrs Leon M. Baker ot South Natick, were married here Saturday afternoon' in Grace Methodist church by William Knight. Attendants were Rev and Mrs George Baker, brother and sister-in-law of the groom.

The bride wore a light blue suit with black accessories and corsage of white gladiolas and white roses. The matron of honor wore a blue suit, black accessories and a corsage of red roses. A small reception followed at the home of the bride at Greenfield. On their return from a wedding trip to Canada they will live at 421 Deerfield street, GreenAeld. The bride attended schools at and Claremont, -N.

and is employed at the GTD. Baker was educated at Natick and is employed in landscape gardening. Montague Boys Convicted Turners Falls, Sept. 24 Judge Samuel Blassberg at. district courtMonday found three young men from Montague guilty of larceny of a cake and two handbags taken last Tuesday from the Masonic hall at tague.

Alton Wentworth. 19, and Frank Heath. 17, pleaded not guilty and Francis Houle, 18, pleaded guilty. Houle drew a suspended sentence of one month in the house of. correction and was placed on probation for two years, Heath was placed on probation and the case against Wentworth was filed.

He had not been in the court before and because he was recently discharged from the service. The case against l'eter J. Prunier of Montague City road. for driving to endanger, was continued until October 21. He was alleged to hive been the driver of the car which hit and seriously injured Paul Siciak of Eleventh street on September at Avenue A and Seventh VOTERS REGISTER Turners Falls, Sept.

21 The istrars of voters have announced the following special session: Wednesday, October 9, from 7.30 to 9 p. m. at the selectmen's rooms: Friday, October 11, 7.30 to 9. p. Montague center town hall and library: Tuesday, October 15, 7.30 to 9 p.

selectmen's room and Wednesday, October 16. noon to 10 p. selectmen's rooms. It is possible now to register with the town clerk any time during his office hours and already voters have availed themselves of this conventence, according to an announcement by Lawrence Killelea, town clerk. Marriage Intentions Marriage intentions have been fled at the office of the town clerk by Charles Wadsworth Hollister of 52 Hollister street, Manchester, and Margaret Howe Richardson, daughter of Mr and Mrs Stephen Richardson of Sunderland road, Montague.

Tech (1g), Edward Knowlton. con of Mr and Mrs Fred Is Knowlton of 94 Fourth street, was released from the service at Fort Dix, N. J. He entered the service in Masch. 1945, trained at Fort Knox, and later served in Japan.

Ile attended Westfeld Trade -school and was employed by Bicknell-Thomas prior to entering the service. The Turners Falls Military band held its 25th annual outing Sunday at the Long house of the Independent Order of Scalpers, Lake Pleasant. Sporta and impromptu concerts provided entertainment. The committee Ineluded Edward Ryan, Harold Maldern, Russell Webster and Warren News Greenfield, Sept. 24-Following A trial 'which was nct completed until late this afternoon, Lawrence W.

Pollard of Bernardston was acquitted by Judge Abner S. McLaud of a charge of operating to endanger. result of an accident on Nash's Mills road on June. 26. Pollard was the driver of A cat which struck a bicyclist, Barbara Tower of 53 Colrain road, who suffered a broken leg in the accident.

At the end of the long trial, the court ruled there was no evidence of negli gence. Jean T. Otto of South Deerfield was med $50 for operating under the influence ut liquor. while a drunkenness complaint WAS dismissed. She WAg arrested after A minor accident at South last night.

Continuances were ordered in the cases of three motorists denied charges arising from accidents. de The case of Joseph Mr. Manning, of Brattleboro, who denied leaving the scene of an accilent and operating with improper lights, was continued ito Octcher 16: that of Claude M. Adamson Ridgewood, N. charged with operating do endanger, until the 26th: the case of Harold Braun of Montague City, who pleaded not guilty to operating to endanger.

was postponed to October 1. Fines of $10 each for speeding were imposed upon John A. Brock of Concord. N. 1., and Fred J.

Myerson of North Adams, Richard F. for failing to heed. the red traffic sigCloughlin of Brattleboro, paid $5 nal at Main and Federal streets. LUNCHEON TODAY! Greenfield. Sept.

21-Rain this aften garden ernoon forced luncheon at the postponement home of of Drs the James Abercrombie of 39 Highland which was to have opened the Woman's club's 1946-47 season. If weather permits. it was announced, the program will take place tomorrow. MARRIAGE INTENTIONS Greenfleld. Sept.

24-Marriage intentions have been filed with Town Clerk William Cunninghain by Leonard F. Beauvais of 33 Cleveland street and Inez V. Dinsmore of 125 Maple street. MILLERS FALLS Drum Corps Picks Slate; Connor Presents Donation Millers Falls, Sent. 24-The first annual meeting of the Millers Falls Drum corps WAS held at Lock- -up hall last Monday evening with the full corps in attendance.

The meeting was opened by Wesley Felton, manager. Robert Boisey was chosen moderator. Election of officers was then held and the following. members were committee, Leonard Greenwood, chairman, Robert Boisey, Donald Felton, Joyce Bartlett, Robert Lancey and William Carroll; uniform committee, Eugene Closson, chairman, Perley Felton, Peggy Equi, Pearl Warren, William Kavanaugh and Shirley Rushford; flower committec, Jeanne Dale, chairman, Donald Crouse. Bernice Dorsey and Raymond Bartlett, secretary, Florence Greene; janitors, Patrick Carroll and William Carroll; sergeant drummer, Donald Crouse; sergeant bugler, Donald Felton; entertainment committee for the month of October, Jacqueline Carrol.

chairman, Conrad Ray Bartlett, William Carroll, William Conner and Eugene Closson. William Conner was called upon to sity a few words to the corps and he presented the corps with a purse uf money donater by a group of businessmen and organizations. Mr Conner told the corps members that the town was behind them 100 per cent and this donation was given to show their admiration and appreciation for the fine work the corps has done in winning first. place in the only two competitive meets they have entered to date. Manager Felton thanked him for the corps and expressed his belief that the corps would keep.

up its good work. Teachers' association met yesterday afternoon and elected the following officers: President, Donald Tiffany of Junior 'high school: vice-president, alias Ruth Brown of high school: secretary, 'Miss Mary O'Rourke of Kellogg A venue East school? treasurer, Miss Margarita Queito of East Street school; executive committee, Miss Edith l'innick and Donald Shaw, both high school, and Miss Marion Abrams of Kellogg Avenue a East school. It was voted to have a professional and social meeting once a month: to enter the bowling league and to present A play for the benefit of the welfare fund. AMHERST New Officers Are Named By Teachers' AsSociation Amherst, Sept. 24--The Amherst JONES LIBRARY NOTES Amherst, Sept.

24-Nearly 250 books have gone into seven schoolrooms since the public schools opened four weeks ago. In Re some cases the school teachers make their own selections according to courses of study, project in hand, or the season of the year. At other times Miss Lena Madden, children's librarian, makes. up' the collection according to specific 12- quests. MRS INA KIDDER DIES Amherst, Sept.

24-Mrs Ina Kidder. 83, of South. Deerfleld, died this morning at Northampton after a long illness. She leaves a gon, Wilfred Cowan of South Deerfield; a sister, five grandchildren and four A greatMrs Maude Brown of North Amherst; grandchildren. The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at 2, at the McCarthy funeral home.

Greenfield. Burial will be in Riverside cemetery, Sunderland. UNITY CHAPTER TO MEET Amherst, Sept. 24-Unity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will meet tomorrow at 5 at Masonic hall. Supper will be served at 6.30 in charge of Edwin I.

Fish, G. Sidney Roche. 1. H. Jones.

John H. Vondell and Fred N. Spaulding. The dinning room will be charge of Walter C. Market.

The chapter will reconvene. at 7.45 for official inspection by Mrs Alice b. Watson, associate deputy grand matron, and Mrs Sarah G. Storer, deputy grand. marshal.

Mr and Mrs Walter Klopper of New York city were. weekend guests of Miss Mary Martin of Cottage street. Mrs Klopper was the former Ann Tillotson of Mount Pleasant. Marriage intentions have been filed with the town clerk by Miss Edith M. Tidlund of Chestnut street George E.

Clark of Sunderland. and Miss Tidlund's sister, Miss Evelyn E. Tidlund, and Duane E. Potts of Bloomington, U. S.

army. 1t was customary, the Middle Ages, to All the blank spaces on maps with descriptive expressions. 1 EASTHAMPTON WOMAN'S CLUB OPENS ITS SEASON OCTOBER 2. Varied Program Announced for Fall and Winter Meetings Easthampton, Sept. 24-The Lasthampton Woman's crib opens its 30th year Wednesday, October 2.

with the annual banquet at the Easthampton Congregational church at 6.30 with the What-So-Ever club catering. Mary Mannigan of West Medford will be the speaker. Her subject is "Life can ba fun." This opening meeting is: in charge of the executive board, Mrs Frederick H. Dickinson, chairman. For the coming club year the meetings will be held for the most part in the Providence Methodist church parlors.

The club's yearbook is dedicated to the late Mrs Joseph P. Brown, charter member and president and past 14th district director. 16 there will' be a tea and reception: to new members at St Philip's parish house, Mrs Arnold Hiltpold is chairman. October 21 there will be a cooking demonstration at the Western Massachusetts Electric kitchen with the American home committee in charge. October 28 there will be a second demonstration at the kitchen while on November 1 there will be a pressure cooker demonstration the kitchen.

The American home committee is in charge of these sessions. Miss Aretta Lynch Watts of the du Pont Co will talk on "Plastics and new materials in the home" meeting in the Methodist church parlors. A business meeting will be held at 7.30. November 18 at the Western Massachusetts kitchen there will be a fourth cooking demonstration, November 20 the club will hold its annual, card party in the Methodist parlors. The high school assembly hall win be the scene men's night meeting December 4 when there will be speaker to he announced by the international relatians committee.

lelping land donations are to be brought to this meeting. A children's party will be held Decomber 18 at the high school assembly hall. Francis Parsisson, magician. will entertain, the program in of the dramatics committee. Junior woman's club night will he January 15 at the Methodist church parlors.

February 5 at 3 there will be an afternoon musical and tea with business meeting at 2.30 at the Methodist church parlors. "New England today" will be the topic of Lawrence Barber when he gives his illustrated lecture March 5 at the auditorium, The Easthampton Teachers club and the Easthampton PTA will be guests. auction The other March event will be an conducted the 10th by Gebrga to H. Bean Northampton at a place be announced. A song recital by Ellen Riley.

speaker and singer, will be presented at Methodist parlors April 9. May 7. a place to be announced. the club will hold its annual meeting and banquet. Ruth Edwards will be the speaker with "Hats-around-the-world" as her topic.

This year the junior woman's club is reorganized most of the former members joining the senior club. The members of this year's, junior woman's club are all high school students. Mrs Frank Merrigan and Miss Louise Burke, the latter of the high school faculty, will serve as junior woman's club advisers, LEGION POST VOTES TO RENT CLUBROOM Easthampton, 24-Leonard Dalton post. American Legion, voted tonight to take the necessary steps to acquire. the use cf the monitor building from the United Elastic Corp.

to be used as a clubhouse and to apply for the remaining club liquor license at that location. The present rooms in Memorial building will be retained by the post as A meeting place. Henry P. Fink, chairman of the committee which conferred representatives of the United Elastic that the corporation is not interested in selling leasing building, but will rent it to the post on a month-to-month basis, the rental to be $80 a month. including heat.

Necessary repairs will be made hy the concern. The committee is as follows: Hehry V. Fink, Edwin Wolfram, Raymond La Force. Frederiek Winters, Earle Damon, Frank J. Janik and Comdr Joseph Sudnick.

Frank Loomis, who has been spend. ing the summer in Easthampton. left vesterday for Kingston, where he will enter Queens university next week. He accompanied Leonard man, son of Mr And SHIRD man, son of Mrs John N. Lyman of Main street who is driving back to Casper, and plans' to drive AS far as Chicago with latter who has been visiting at his home.

Weekly religious education began today for most of the 7th and 8th grade pupils of the public schools from 10.46 to 11.45. New atnong the teachgroup that meets at the Congregational church is Mrs Pearl Ashcraft who is in charge of the 7th grade. She replaces Miss Elizabeth Adams. Mrs Ashcraft trained for social work at Simmons college and has had experience in church and social service work in Michigan, Bos. ton and West Springfield.

She serve the Pioneer Valley council of religious. education four days a week in Fasthampton and other valley towns. SOUTH DEERFIELD MRS INA M. KIDDER DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS South Deerfield. Sept.

24-Mrs Ina May (Cowan) Kidder, 83, died this morning at Northampton, following a short illness. She was in Sabin' Davis. and She Clarissa Jane (Pratt) Amherst. June 20. go 1863.

daughter of was educated in the Amherst. schools and was married to Dwight H. Cowan in 1889 and later married Fred Kidder of Sunderland in his 1903. death He died in 1936 and following she cante 10 South Deerfield to make her home. She was a charter member of the Sunderland Women's club and was a member of the King Philip chapter, OFS, of South Deerfield.

She leaves a son, Wilford B. Cowan of South Deerfield; a sister. Mrs James Brown of North Cowan Amherst; Ave grandchildren, Earl of of Baltimore. James Cowan South Deerfield, Mrs How. ard Wolfram of North Hatfeld, Robert Cowan and Mrs Sidney Bacon of Springfeld: five great-grandchildren and several nieces and nephews, The funeral will be held Tuesday afternoon at 2 at the C.

E. McCarthy funeral home. Greenfield. Rev Frank Cutter, pastor of the South Deerfield Congregational church. will officiate.

The burial will take place in Sunderland cemetery. I AMHERST COLLEGE Students From This Amherst, Enter Amherst kins Sept. 24-James A. Haw. field, of winner 15 Kimberly avenue.

is A member of a Bowles $200 prize. SpringAmherst college. of the freshman class at one. 0. 20 students this from time.

this vicinity to enter Amherst at Made necessary by the greatly increased enrolment which brought approximately 1200 students to the colices lege were today, two opening chapel serv400 scheduled. one fAt the nearly freshmen today at 3 and- one Thursday morning at 10 for the rest of the college. ercises Immediately following today's 8 reception was held at the home of the president for freshmen and their families, Besides Hawking there. are three other students from Springfleld: John Jerome H. P.

Gavin of 53 Whittier styet: Mitchell, of Colony road; Westernview Donald F. Nesbitt, of 02 street. Other nearby residents in the entering class are John V. Smith of Longmeadow; Harry I. Dalton of West Springfield; Edward J.

Barry, Robert J. Greany and Robert K. Tisdall of Holyoke; David H. Judge of South Hadley Falls; Burton E. Randall, of Easthampton: Thomas H.

Kenney of Florence; and Theodore Boluvh, Freeman S. Jones. George W. Jourdian, David E. Maxson, John W.

Porter, Robert W. Smart, Richard Snyder, and Hang West. all of Amherst. BROOKFIELD LEGION ANNUAL MEETING SCHEDULED OCTOBER 3 Brookfeld. Sept.

24-The annual meeting and election of officers of the Auston-Tunstall post. American. Legion, will be held in the Legion house at 8 Thursday night, October 3. following candidates were selected by the nominating committee: Commander, Chester J. Siecko, Armand Gauthier.

Clyde Gregson and Frederick W. De senior vice commander, John R. Hirtle, Harry Green; Junior vice-commander, Robert Putnam; adjutant, Charles Underwood, Bert Baker: finance officer. Clarence Buffum: sergeant-atarms. Robert Sharon; historian, Miss Miller: chaplain, Clarence.

Sharon. Mr and Mus Patrick. J. Mannix of Shrewsbury' are the parents of a second son, Edward, born last night. Mrs Mannix is the former Miss Rita Seery, daughter of Edward.

J. Seery of West Main street. Raymond A. Gadifire, son of Mr and Drs Leon F. Gadaire of Kimball street and Richard Boynton, son of Mr and Mrs Philip Boynton of Hyde street, left yesterday to enter Bridgton academy in Bridgton, Me.

Both are veterans of the recent war. Pvt George Fairbanks who has been spending a furlough with his parents, Mr and Mrs Roslyn Fairbanks Kimball street, left yesterday to report in California from where he expects to he assigned to duty in Japan. SOUTHFIELD Church Notes ington, Sunday. HUNTINGTON Southfield. Sept.

24 Dr Thomas F. Opie, of Gould farm, Monterey, preached Sunday morning at Mill River Congregational church, in the absence of the pastor. He spoke on "What and where is heaven?" Mrs E. M. Stanton was organist, and the choir consisted of seven Hartsville girls.

The church service next Sunday will be at Mill River, with Rev Arthur A. Simmons, pastor, preaching, and Mrs Hans Kaufman, organist. The Southfield Ladies' Aid society will serve covered-dish supper Thursday night, the 26th, at 6.30. There will be 'a white elephant sale connection with the supper. Mr and Mrs William L.

Rugg and Mrg IT. S. Bohman attended a meeting of tax collectors and town treasurers, at Hotel Northampton, Northampton, last Tuesday. Rev and Mrs Arthur A. Simmons spent the weekend at Norwell and Hingham in Plymouth county.

Ir Simmons was called to Norwell to conduct the a friend, who was connected with Harvard, at the time Mr Simmons was a student there. Dr and Drs Palmer J. Cook were called to Worcester last week by the illness of Mrs: Cook's father, H. L. Hastingjohn spent the past week in Rhode Island with her hugband, who is in the navy, and returns this week to the home of her sister and brother-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs Gardner L. Rugg. Fred Ketay was called to New York Sunday by the death of his father. Sam Ketay.

who died at the home of his daughter, at New York city. Miss Roberta H. Bradley has a position as dietitian at the RoeliffJansen Regional school at Hillsdale, N. Y. ter, Mrg at Great Neck.

Mias Frances Grant, visited her sisL. a few days last week. Mr and Mrs Norman Aldrich of Westfield spent the weekend with Mrs Aldrich's aunt, Miss Caroline C. Cook. Mrs Blanche Cook returned home with them, Miss Cook is visiting at the Cook-Aldrich home this week.

Mr and Mrs William Remington and Miss I. Eva Webster of Winsted. called on friends here recently. Mr and Mrs Wesley M. Ward entertained their son.

Harold Ward and family of Springfield. Lieut Mildred Kendall, and Miss Elaine Straughan, yeoman (3c) of Washington. D. and Miss Joyce of Farm- Huntington, Sept. 24-Mr and Mrs Dwyer of Basket street entertained over the weekend Mr and Mrs Richard Dwyer and son of Briston, Miss Mildred Dwyer of Windsor, Mr and Mrs Milner Goodrum and son, Catherine Denehey and Dr Tim Denehey, all of Newton.

Mrs Orel Dupelle, has joined her husband in Philadelphia where he in A student at the Pennsylvania Textile school. Miss Gloria Gagnon of West Held was the weekend guest. of Miss Anne Beatty of Old Chester road. Drs Leonard F. Hardy, who has been spending the summer at Wellesley and Cape Cod, is at home on Main street, for A.

few days before returning to the Burnham School for Girls in Northampton where she does secretarial work. John Kelso has been" elected treasurer of Highland Grange to succeed Drs Goldie Wellspeak who has. resigned. Paul Caron of Laurel road has returned Amherst after a two vacation spent with his parents. James Leeds and Donald Grenier been discharged from the navy.

boys who spent the weekend at their home here were Amier Grenier, William Reddin and Frederick Knowlton. 4 CHESHIRE FLORENCE M. BENNETT BRIDE OF F. P. DOUGHERTY Rev Edward P.

M'Guire Officiates at St Mary the Assumption Cheshire, Sept. 24-Misa Florence Mary Bennett, daughter of William W. Bennett of Richardson street, became the bride 'of Francis Dougherty, 'son of Mrs Cora A. Dougherty, at the St Mary of the Assumption church yesterday morning at 9. Rev Edward McGuire, officiated before an banked with red and white' gladioli.

John Leroy was organist and Leo Southern Pittsfield and Mrs Thomas J. Curtin, Jr. sang. a Seated within the sanctuary were Rev Thomas B. Reilly, Rev Edward N.

Reilly of Worcester. Rev Joseph M. Reilly of and Rev J. Reilly of Moorestown. N.

J. The bride was given in marriage by her brother Warren Bennett. She wore a bridal satin gown in princess style with sweetheart neckline and leg o'mutton sleeves, a full skirt and a formal train. Her finger tip illusion veil was attached to a half hat of illusion and orange blossoms, and she carried a white orchid on a prayer 1, book. Miss Lillian J.

Dougherty of Richmond Hill, L. a cousin of the groom was maid of honor. Her gown American beauty faille, a hat of white button pompons attached to a head band of American heauty faille: She carried a colonial bouquet of white pompons and gladioli with a touch of American beauty. The bridemaid, Mrs Warren Bennett, sister-in-law of the bride, wore an American beauty faille gown and a hat of white button pompong tached to a head band of American beauty faille and carried a colonial bouquet of white pompons and gladioli with a touch of American beauty. The best man was Lawrence Mahoney of Pittsfield, and the ushers were William Sample, of Cheshire.

and Francis Reilly of Pittsfield. Following the ceremony the wedding breakfast and reception was at the Wendell- Sheraton hotel at Pittsfield which was attended by 70 guests. The bride's sister Mrs Willia Bird wore a royal blue dress with black accessories, and a corsage of white pompons and Mrs William Sample also a sister of the bride wore a black dress with a. corsage of white pompons. The groom's mother wore a royal blue dress with black accessories and a corsage of white pompons.

The couple left during the day for a wedding trip to Atlantic City, N. the bride's traveling in a gray gabardine suit with powder blue and black accessories and a white orchidacorsage. The couple will be at home at 31 Springside avenue. Pittsfield after October 7. Clarence R.

Getman is taking the annual school census. Leo Willett, has resumed his' duties at Cranwell preparatory school at Lenox. He is a senior. Ar and Mrs Kenneth W. Chase and daughter, Lois, have been spending a few days at Arlington.

GILBERTVILLE. Artisan Society Elects Gilbertville, 24-Ernest Sept. Lefebvre of New Braintree road was elected president of the Artisan society at the annual election Sunday. Wilfred R. Brophy was elected chaplain.

Other officers named were Joseph Charron, vice-president, Joseph Seyer, secretary-treasurer, Lucien Desjardins, auditor, Dr Rene B. Leclair of Ware, physician, Mitchell Laplante and Mira Dorilla Peltier, sick committee. One of the best catches of the season was reported Sunday by Stanley and his son, Leonard, Church street fishermen. They returned with five bass, the largest weighing six pounds and the smallest three. and nine pickerel, the langest three pounds.

The Ash were taken from the Ware river. Miss Dorothy Danitis, a daughter of Charles Danitis of Furnace road, has entered Lake Erie college in Painesville. O. She was graduated an honor student from Hardwick high school in June. Francis E.

Sullivan, naval warrant officer, is spending a short leave with his parents. Mr and Mrs Cornelius Sullivan. He was attached to the Bountiful, a hospital ship, in attendance at the Bikini bomb tests and will report at the Chelsea, naval hospital, when his leave ends. A younger brother, Donald, was graduated at the electronic school a at the Great bakes naval station last. week and has been transferred to Treasure Island, Cal.

for advanced study in electronics and radar. GREAT BARRINGTON Great Barrington, Sept. 24-Funeral services were held at Catskill, N. yesterday afternoon for Fred Wool. hiser, 32, a former resident of this town, who died Saturday morning.

He had been in in health for a year. While living here he worked as meat cutter in local markets. He leaves his parents, two sisters and his wife, the to former Olga Poplagki of this town. Burial WAs in Catskill. Erminio Selva of West Stockbridge was awarded the 1946 Ford at the Great Barrington fair, given by Southern Berkshire.

American Legion. The Legion grossed about $6000 on the transaction. Funeral services for Matthew J. Dempsey were held Sunday afternoon the Congregational church where a delegation of Rotarians attended. Rev Dr Cornelius Nichols Banker, pastor, officiated, assisted by Rev Richard Mortimer- rector of St James church and chaplain of the Rotary club.

Lloyd Height and Roderick MacLean were ushers. The bearers were Earl B. Raifstanger, Dr Hart well Homer, Richard C. Brusie. Morton A.

Smith, James F. Watson and John S. Burial was in Elmwood cemetery. WILBRAHAM Wilbraham, Sept. 24-Mra Harold Rodenhizer was guest of honor yesterday at a luncheon at the Coffee Shoppe given by the members of two groups of her friends that have been receiving instructions in making braided rugs from her.

There was 16 present, seated at tables attractively decorated by niembers of the groups. Mrs Rodenhizer presented a pressure cooker and an -aluminum tray in appreciation of her kindness. Patricia Munson will bee in charge of the program at the meeting of the TAC sorority to be held at the home of Miss Barbara Rowe Friday night. Her topic will be "Current DeGray and Sally Pierson. Events." a Cohostesses will be Mildred Mr and Mrs Raymond Beach have returned from a trip to Plymouth and Provincetown.

The road from Tel Aviv and Java to 'Jerusalem is the old Crusader's road. which was traveled by Richard the. Lionhearted. COUNTY ESTIMATES COST pal. OF HOSPITAL, Berkshire Establishment Would Cost One Million Chairman Frederick Purches Believes Pittsfield, Sept.

24 Chairman Frederick H. Purches of the county commissioners estimated that a county hospital sick, aged and tubercular patients as suggested today by Associate. Commissioner J. Joseph McCabe of Lenox would cost 000. The county has been asked to share in the cost of a $40,000 addition to the County hospital addition at Leeds, to which McCabe is opposed.

He recommended the appointment by the chairman of a special survey committee of medical men to study his county hospital suggestion. Action was deferred. The board voted approval of the purchase for $4000 of an equalizing pressure chamber for the Leeds hospital. of which Berkshire's share will he $800. An additional allocation of $1500 was made for Barker road chapter 90 project, Pittsfield.

The commissioners voted approval of the request made by Register Deeds Walter S. Dickie for another junior. typist because the office had receipts this year up to September 1 in excess of $2000 over all of 1946. Park Commission Can't Bar Races Pittsfield, Sept. 24-The park commission tonight- received an opinion from City Solicitor James M.

Rosen- thal that the board has no authority to prohibit motor boat racing on Pontoosuc lake, because it a great pond and the state alone has control. The Pittsfield Sailing club through Richard V. Marchant, commodore, requested racing be barred and it was referred to the solicitor. Boxing promoters reported to the park board that there have been 21,145 paid almissions to Wahconah DIST GOV LEO GOLDEN MAKES OFFICIAL VISIT Westfield. Sept.

24-District Governor Leo Golden of Hartford, Notary club governor of the: 199th district. paid an official Visit to the Westfield Rotary club today. He. held a round table conference with officers of the club and chairman of committees. Following the conference, the regular meeting was when Mr Golden delivered an interesting talk on "Rotary." Tickets were distributed for Father Flanagan's Boy's Town choir recital to be presented by? the Springfield auditorium 28: LEE Diphtheria Clinics Lee, Sept.

24-The board of health in conjunction with the school physician, Jill again hold diphtheria immunization clinics in all the scltools within the town. Ag in the past, there are to be three injections. The first to be held Wednesday, the second af October $16, and the last on November 6, starting eat 9. Children who have previously ben immunized, need not be done again. The board of health cannot urge parents too strongly, to protect their children against diphtheria.

Lee has an enviable record, in that there has not been: a case of this frequently fatal disease within the town for 18 years. DISTRICT COURT CASES Sept. 24-Francis A. Hubbard of Thomaston, pleaded not guilty to negligently operating in. district court this norning and paid a fine of $50.

He was operator of a car which left the highway on the New Boston road and landed in the Farmington river. The case of John J. Kelly of Pittsfield, charged with operating under the influence, was dismissed; Lee post, American Legions will meet tomorrow night at 8 in the Memorial hall rooms. First Vice-Comdr James M. Burt will preside.

Edwin L. Bailey of Chester in district court this morning on a trespassing charge in West Becket had his case continued from day to day for six Benjamin J. Weinstein of city, pleaded nolo to a speeding charge and paid $10. A charge of operating without registration on his person was filed. Mr and Mrs Arthur W.

Pease of Navin avenue. who are on a vacation trin and celebrating their 33d wedding anniversary, have arrived at San Francisco by motor. They will return in October. SOUTHWICK Southwick, Sept. 24 The annual fall luncheon and meeting of the Southwick Women's club will take place Tuesday at the Wyben chapel at Wyhen Women of the Wyhen Community church will serve the luncheon.

The guest speaker will he Mrg Lewis G. Woodbury, 14th district director and she will be introduced by the new president, Airs Sylvia. A. Hamberg. who will preside at the meeting.

The luncheon committee are Mrs. Jean Mason, Airs Leona Barton a and Mrs Mary Griffin. The infant son of Mr and Mrs Fred Wolff, William Fred, who died suddenly, was buried Saturday in the New cemetery. Rev C. S.

David, pastor of St Pohn's Lutheran church of Westfield officiated. The American Legion auxiliary will meet Wednesday night at 8 at the Consolidated school. Mrg Mae Hannigan, president -elect, requests all members to be present. as plans must be made for the joint instalation with the post on October 18. A social hour will follow with Mrs Kenneth Roberta and Mrs Ernest Jasmin as hostesses.

cal telephone exchange, was called to Mrs Ada Brock, agent for the 1o- Cranston, R. Sunday by the sudden death of her mother, Mrg Charles Bowen. few a days with Mr and Jesse Mrs Maud G. Davis is spending a Stehbins at Newington. Ct.

Mr and Mrs M. H. Tuttle are spending the weekend as guests of Mr. and Mrs Samuel Cushing of Beverly, and Mr and Mrs Bernard Maxwell of Danvers. Raymond G.

Mellen has' entered the International college at Springfeld where he is receiving college setudies. Calvin Arnold returned to Indiana with Albert Bratt: who has been a guest in the Arnold home. WORONOCO W'oronoco, 24 Miss Myrtle Shattuck, local Girl Scout leader, announces that all girls between the ages of 10 and 18 years interested in joining the Girl. Scouts are requested to meet at the Community building Thursday night at 7. No new members will be accepted after October 1, with the exception of Brownies who become of age for joining hetween October 1 and February 15, 1947.

Henry Bartnicki has entered Suffield academy, Suffeld, He plans to enter Fordham university later. Miss Dorothy Roberts and Lorenza Clark, who have been spending A week with Mr and Mrs Frank H. Miller, have returned to their home in Claymont, DeL (7 A. M. TO 7 P.

M. URGED AS VOTING HOURS NOV. 5 City Council Sends Petition On Double Time for City Employes to Committee Pittsfield, sept. 24' A. special committee of the city council consisting of Leland C.

Talbot and Patrick E. Callaghan 'recommended tohight that the voting hours on election day, November 5, be from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m.

and polling places also be unchanged from city election last year. Atty, Patrick A. Doyle. Springfield, representing Municipal Employes ASsociation spoke for the Pittsfield unit in a petition asking for double time, instead of times and a half when erfployes do emergency work on holidays Mr Doyle quoted Public Works. Commissioner Canfield S.

Dickie as saying he was for it. Petition was referred to committee on ordinances and rules, Walter S. Marsden, chairman. Oppose Filling Station Conflicting interests of veterans popped out in ca hearing on the petition Joseph F. Casella for a license to store 10,000 gallons of gasoline and establish a station on a vaofcant Linden street lot with river frontage.

Atty Robert T. Capeless, representing the petitioner, said his client is seeking "equality of opportunity" to do business on: a lot from which the sole income ROW is $16.16 a year. He said station. there would beautify the lot and it will be 138 feet from nearest house. He said that opposition eminated from competitors.

Atty Sidney I. Katz appeared for those competitors, Carl and Fred Glander, and claimed the neighborhood business there does not warrant another station. Having been in business across the road only since last May they seek the opportunity to continue. On of Councilman Marsden it was voted six to four, with Councilman Edward J. McDonald absent, to refer' the petition 10 committee on public works.

Opposed were President George A. Purnell and Councilmen Stanley V. Wincek, Leland C. Talbot and Clifford F. Reynolds.

On motion of Marsden it was voted favor or of construction of a Campbell unanimously to go on record as in street footbridge over a Housatonic river branch. for which the park department already has asked the mayor for an appropriation. Several transfer orders and one calling for instalation of a traffic light and warning signs at intersection of South street and Spadina parkway, were adopted. GROUPS NAMED TO HELP REPUBLICAN FUND DRIVE Westfield, Sept. 24-The Massachusetts Republican finance committee opened its drive for funds this week, and the following chairmen in the local area were announced today: Vice-chairman in charge of general contributions' for Vestfield.

Philip Caswell, Blandford. Warren V. Bedurtha; Chester, John Rose; Granville, Porter Frisbie; Russell. Ernest Decoteau; Woronoco, George Fox; Tolland, Allen B. Clark; Southwick.

Mrs Isabel Root' Carr. Members of the special gifts committee are Airs Roy Abagnale. Norma- R. Clarke, George R. deLearie, A.

Lionel Lawrence. David C. Little, Howard C. Shaw and witliam L. W'allis.

Members of the committee, assisting Mr Caswell are Louise Bagg, Mrs Helen en Cowing. Mrs Agnes CumAndrew Butler, Mrs W. C. Chisholm, ming. Henry Cunningham, Harold Ertle.

Mrs Anna Filo, Mrs Helen Fouche. Ally Gowdy. Miss Sylvia Kondelka, Stanley Lis, A. L. McLean, drs Louis Massucco.

Mrs. V. McClellan, Charles McPherson, Mrs Dorothy Meyer, Mrs Herbert Nelson. Donald Nuttall. Mrs Hollis Root.

Mrs Mary Rumplik. Mrg Loretta Samborski, Mrs George Sathory, Mrs Lillian Simpkin. man before suspending the sentence. STOCKBRIDGE Stockbridge, Sept. 24 The final meeting in the series of evening services at Congregational church will be Sunday at 7.30.

It is expected that Wesley Boyntom well-known tenor soloist, of Boston will be the soloist. Mrs. Marion Bidwell "arrar, who has been for the summer months with her mother. Mrg Chayes A. Bidwell, and her sister.

Mrs H. Augustus Lukeman of Main street, left yesterday by air to join her husband. Charles Osborn Farrar, at Pensacola. Fla. Miss Florence M.

Jones of Park street returned home today from New York. where she went to accompany her sister. Mrs Bertha Jones Newhah. who is returning to Miami. after spending the summer in Stockbridge.

Westfield. Sept. 24 The westfield Riding club today announced that the gymRhana scheduled for Sunday will be classified as the New England championship ment in several classes. Championship events will be working stock horses. trail horses, potato' race and cutting race in senior and junior classes.

The last show of the season, the affair will follow those held at Lee, Greenfield and Northampton. Cash prizes will be a awarded. Rules of the Eastern States Gymkhana association will govern. The show will be held at the grounds of the Riding club off City View road. ADAMS Gymkhana Card Slates Championship Classes Court Continues Against Savoy Driver Adams, Sept.

24-Alexander Poplawski, 62, of Savoy, who pleaded not guilty in district court. thig morning to charges of "wet" driving, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and drunkenness, had his case continued until tomorrow for hearing. Atty Walter J. Donovan is for the defendant. Corp John Luppold of the state police at Pittsfield arrested Poplawski as the result of an automobile accident at Savoy Saturday TAX WARRANTS READIED Westfield.

Sept. 24 Tax Collector R. P. McCarthy today announced that warrants are prepared for the collection of delinquent 1946 poll taxes which were due in April. The cost.

to the delinquent. unless he pay's before service, will be $5.40, instead of $2.35 present. Vetcrans eligible for exemption should apply at City hall. MRS IDA CARAN North, Adams, Sept. 24-The funeral of Mrs Ida Caran of Massachusetts avenue, who died Saturday, was held this morning in Holy Family church, Greylock.

Burial took place in Southview cemetery. Rev Albert T. Beaudry, the church, officiated. Bearers were Francis Stend, 'Lawrence Boucher, Leo Belanger, Louis Stratton. Robert Turner and Reginald Thompson.

3 1 YOUTH INDUCTED P- AFTER MYSTERY Robert H. Sawtell Vanished in 1941 and Was Declared Draft Delinquent Year Later by Authorities Sept. 34-The mysterious disappearance and subsequent draft delinquency of Robert H. Sawtell, formerly of Malone avenue and now Washington, D. was cleared with United States military a horities today when the young man.

was inducted into service. Sawtell. son of Mr. and Drs Hiram Sawtell of 15 Malone avenue, digappeared on August 19. 1941.

the eve of his marriage to A local His car. was found parked in a Springfield parking arca, but all efforts to locate the young man, who had only resently graduated from the high school, failed. On March 30, 1912, Sawtell wus declared a delinquent from selective service by federal authorities at Boston, and the local board so declared him. On September 18, 1914, Police Chief Allen H. Smith was notified that Sawtell had been taken into custody by.

federal authorities at Washington, where he had been employed at a gasoline service station and where it was alleged he had violated OPA regulations. In 1945. Sawtell appeared at Boston on a charge of failing to report for induction. He pleaded not guilty. In June he was listed for induction by the local board.

Sawtell had returned to AVashington and el the local board agreed to his examination in that city. He passed the examination and Was classified 1-A. seven others are to take their Five area men, and Sawtell, with preinduction, morning examinations. for left Albany, Union N. the induction center.

Thomas A. Loomis of 52 South Maple street was group leader. Pittsfield Obituary A. V. PHILLIPS FUNERAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW Retired Automobile Dealer, 70, Died Yesterday at Hillcrest Hospital Pittsfield, Sept.

24-The of Albert V. Phillips, 70, of 20 Crofut retired automobile dealer, who died early today at Hillcrest hospital, will. held at. Wellington funeral home Thursday at 2.30, with Rev H. Elliott minister of First Methodist church, Burial will be in Pittsfield cemetery.

Friends may call at the funeral home tomorrow. from 7 to 9 p. m. Mr Phillips was born February 17, 1876. at' Birmingham, son ot Joseph and Sarah Jones Phillips and had been a resident of Pittsfield since 1906.

He handled The First Dodge car in New England. It one time he had two garages here and one in North Adams with branches at Lenox, Great Barrington and Bennington. He had the initial Ford agency here and in Berkshire. Mr Phillips was a director of shire Trust Co. and Hillcrest hospital.

He was a past commander of Berkshire commandery. Knights Templar and was a life member of Shiras Grotto. He was also enroled in Mystic lodge of Masons, Berkshire Royal Arch chapter, Berkshire Hills and l'ontoosuc Lake Country clubs. He was 3 charter member of Taconic Golf club, Williamstown. Survivors are his widow, the former Maude E.

Lee: one son. Lawrence Lee Phillips; two sisters, Mrs Lucy Newberry and Miss Florence J. Phillips, all of Pittsfeld. GEORGE W. ENDE Pittsfield, Sept 24-The funeral of George W.

Ende, 79, one time selectman, assessor and member of the school committe of the adjoining town of Washington, who died today at House of Mercy hospital, be held at the Meehan funeral home 'Phursday afternoon and burial will be in Becket cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p. m. Mr Ende was Pittsfield, but had resided in Washington for more than 50 years. Ho was 8 carpenter by trade.

Survivors are three daughters, Mrs Charles Bullock, of Washington, D. Mrs Harold Champlin of Dalton and Miss Alice Ende of Washington: one granddaughter and two sisters, Mrs Charles Jones of Hanco*ck and Ming Hattie Ende of this city. WARE Builder Will Pay Cost. Of Sewer Alterations Ware, Sept. 24-Stanley Rusiecki, Church street.

WIN CHAMPIONSHIP Ware contractor who 10 huild houses on Chestnut street lots The owns and who has been in a conprovers with surface town sewer Acials which because goes through the lots, has decided to end gage engineers to raise manholes and do other necessary work to elevate the sewer to a level which will allow. him to continue the building project which has been delayed several weeks. The highway department will not make repairs to the sewer upon advice of the town counsel. The sewer wag instiled many years ago records indicate it was a town project and was built after a right of way had Oren granted over the land which was owned by the Gilbert family At the time. Damage to the sewer gave Rusiecks drainige problem and if he bad graded his lots as planned the sewer would have been buried many feet deep.

BROTHERS REACH U. S. Ware, Sept. 24-Frank Roberson who served, 48 an officer in naval service and has been in the many months, received his discharge at Danila and has arrived at San Francisco. His brother, Sergt Howard, who has leen at Tokio, has landed at Seattle.

Both reached the West coast ports the same day. Frank will remain on the coust 10 enter University of Washington. Sergt Roberson will go to Camp Dix for his discharge and then plans to enter Rensselaer. Another brother, Lloyd, who was also mol service, has been graduated at Amherst. college.

They are sons of Dr and Mrs Ware, Sept. 24-Directory of Junior Baseball league have awarded the senior division championship to l'ittsburg. A dispute regarding a game played by this team and St Louis, tied in the seventh inning and with St Louis refusing 10 a play the last halt because of darkness although the umpire called play, was settled by the diectors by awarding the game to Pittsburg. Junior division championship ewill he decided Sunday when- Boston and Detroit teams will play. The 22 members of the Stale guard company have turned in their equipment which will be sent to state headquarters when disbanding orders arrive.

Cant Edward L. Miner said weekly drills will continue for the present. The Ware company is one of three of chis area still active. 4 'tie 3: A 5.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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