Vidette-Messenger of Porter County from Valparaiso, Indiana (2024)

inZlCIIANDXSS CENTALS C.IPLOTKTNT ANNOCNCSSZMTS By tl SCOTT Lucas Says He Is Not Anttry 7" SCQJTS SCRAP BOOK 111.11U11X111.11UU OME eV I5(t er AArf*ckCnc i CLASSIFim WANT ADS Phone lJ-Td-taket i Ofie EmrMffl Jl M. to M. Chat at 1 9. M. Ratal: Minimum.

words; fly par wort; 1 dajm-Ve par word; days, llo par Tbw art eaab rata and apply if paid baton dUoouiil data ahowa a atatamant. Want Ada and top orders must raadr offle by 10 JO A. M. an day et puMtoanoa. acoapt 'Saturday, which la a 30 A at 11 SOtrfM fORlit WlMftR I II vere ILS.

iiiia.iiini 1 WASHINGTON, Jan. 28 UP) President Truman's failure to eon suit either of Illinois' senators before appointing two Chlcagoans to have defense posts has keen -bono nrmea oy senate DemccraUo Leader Scott W. Lucas. But Lucas said that since the ap pointments were "above the patronage level" be was not angered by the sHp-up by the White Members of the majority party usually are consulted before their constituents are named to high government Jobs. Sen.

Paul H. Douglas also was passed over in the making of the appointments, it was learned. Both senators were reported miffed at Mr. Truman's action. jm source saia uie wute xtuUSB blamed poor staff work tor the er- ror rather than any desire to by pass the senators.

The White Rous also said the appointments were to the "official family" and therefor not a matter of patronage. 'r In the nominations, Hubert1 X. Howard was named as chairman of the munitions board and John F. Ploberg as assistant secretary of the navy. REAL ESTATr HOMES FOR SALE ROBLE WOODS Neat 4 rooms with full cement basem*nt furnace, closed porch and utility room $3300.

ONE MILE TO VALPO 34 acres, new 6 rooms, fun basem*nt, with, garage, large barn and implement shed, granary and chicken houses. Nice creek. Appointment JUST OFF Ind. No. 640 acres.

nicely remodeled rooms, large barn and work shop; other buildings, fruit and creek. N. E. NEW story home, not complete $4,500. LONG LAKE Furnished 8-rooa bungalow; fireplace $5,000.

10-ROOM HOME on Washington St, corner lot one of the finest locations In town. NEARLY NEW attractively modern 6 rooms, hot water gas heat: 2-car heated garage, lot 50 ACRES, good frontage on Ind. 25 acres wheat; no buildings $6,000. Wm. Von Doehren, Realtor, 19 Franklin phone 78C2.

QUALITY HOMES Over size lota in our Chicago street subdivision make the perfect setting for your home. Many "Deluxe" National models available. All fea ture the built-in conveniences and modern luxury planning found only in the most expensive new homes. Plan now tc build your own ideal home in this very desirable neighborhood. NATIONAL CONST.

CORP. 1107 Chicago St. Phone 1098 MODERN 6rROOM home on Oak Insulated, new roof, good furn ace, garage; convenient to Banta school; $7)00. 7-ROOM HOME on Elm StH In sulated; screened porch; stoker garage; $2,000 will handle. Paul.

Randle, Realtor, Farmers Bank Bldg; Phone 258. BEAUTIFUL GUNNISON 3-bed-. room home for sale; automatic heat and hot water, ultra modern kitchen. Priced right at 17.500. Only $800 down and $47 per month; $400 down to veterans.

J. locum, Valpo 449W, representing Morgan Construction and Supply. AN ATTRACTIVE 8-room residence) on North Washington St, close to; modern throughout Full lot Immediate possession. E.A.LaCount, Claudon Anderson, Realtors. MODERN 6-ROOM home on I acres, automatic hot water, garage, poultry house; fruit trees.

SIR miles east Barboul's corner on SO. BUNGALOW, near high school; bedrooms, modern steel kitchen; automatic hot water heater; garage; $9,500. Phone 107U. i4 7-ROOM modern conveni ences, au newiy reaecoraiea, on acre of ground, edge of town KoutRi Phone 509R1, Kouts. NEW 2-BEDROOM HOUSE for sale, oak floors; $6350.

Comer of Bates and Taylor streets, Hebron, REAL ESTATE FOR TRADE FOR TRADE Five-room modern in Hobart, on furnace heat, large rooms, attached garage, tor four or five room modern in Valparaiso. Write Box 327, Vidette-Messenger. WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUY or 6 room house la town WU pay eaah) Pnetofflce Box $29 WANTED TO BUY A lot east. near university. Write P.

O. Bos 216. FURNISHED ROOMS DESIRABLE heated room, close automatic heat and hot water; employed man preferred. 253 W. Jefferson.

PLEASANT SLEEPING room, close to high school and Valpo Tech. 405 Center, phone 974R. ROOM FOR STUDENT or young working man; good beat Call at 302 Lincolnway. UNFURNISHED A PTE. FOB RENT 1ZB FOR RENT FEB.

1 A 3 -room and bath apartment Field Dress Shop, or 308 Greenwich, after Tp. m. BOUSES FOR RENT NEW MODERN 4-room house, unfurnished; references required. Burlington Beach and Road 49. Phone 1077, a.

m. to 6 p. m. STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT, or For Sale Large store on East Lincolnway. Inquire Kaplan, 4th house north Trail-Lin.

WANTED TO RENT It WOULD LDXE AN APARTMENT, dose to town; for mother and 3- year-old daughter. Phone 1023WX. house, with bedrooms; prepared to pay good rent. Phone 1282; manager F. W.

Woolworth. OR 5 ROOM HOUSE or apartment in Valparaiso or in country. Phone 12L REA1 ESTATE REAL ESTATE. GENERAL St 25-ACRE3, 6-ROOM house $4,500 down payment. ACRES, 4-ROOM house $3,500 down payment.

ACRES on Route 130. ACRES, Washington township. GRAIN ds DAIRY farms; financed. ACRE, 4-ROOM new house. HOUSES AND LOTS.

F. O. Lansdowne, Realtor, 355 Jefferson Valparaiso. Phone 690M. FARMS FOR SALE CtB FARM, 220 ACRES, good buildings and home.

NEW BLOCK VENEER home, N. side-a good buy at $7,500. 5-ROOM HOME on E. Institute, large lot, furnace heat $5,750. NEW INDIANA limestone 3-bed room home, west side, good location.

Claussen Boening, 760R, 1566J, or 1118J HOMES FOR SALE ACRE on state highway, adjoining city; improved with modern 5-room residence and garage; attractive home, well Insulated and shaded In summer; fruit, berries, excellent mrden. Owner leaving city and will sell completely furnished, including electric appliances. Imme-dlate possession. Reasonable price. SUBURBAN, near city limits 1 acres, improved with attractive new bungalow, modern throughout; on good blacktop road.

Immediate pos-session. Reasonable price. HARRISON ST, near Washington-Choice bungalow, 5 large well lighted, ultra modern rooms first floor stairway to second Owner selling to go into business elsewhere; already financed FHA; Im-medlate possession. ATTRACTIVE' INCOME properties -one is a 3-apt, 2- 4 and 6 room, latest oil botwater heating plant; showing good Income only $8,000 VALUABLE CORNER, East Lincoln-way, near Garfield; Improved with modern 6-room residence, large rooms in excellent condition U. 8.

30 Choice business location near intersection West St, south side 30. ACRE, 100-ft. frontage. Improved with modern new 6-room residence well-built, full Insulation; forced air heat; house 32x34. VALUABLE BUSINESS comer, 8 Greenwich and Union 66x102.

Now Improved with 4-apt bldg, with substantial income; 2 -car garage. A bargain at $9,000. Claudon An derson Realtors, 8 Washington 8t Phone 340. SUPERIOR VALUES 5-ROOM HOME, East Oak 8tr- $600. T-ROOM HOME and 14 acres, poul try house, barn, garage, eta $204)00.

GROCERY STORE buildings with living quarters, on State Road 49 north $5,000, includes fixtures. equipment, land a bargain. TWO HOMES on State Road IB- north all for $7,600. 4-ROOM HOME, Elm St $4,600. GROCERY STORE and home com bination, aowntown sia.5oa.

3-APARTMENT building $1,000 down. $65 per month. 4-ROOM HOME, Evans 1-ACRB BUSINESS corner inter section 3 roads $2,500. LOT ON -EAST Lincolnway $500 down or will trade for Improved. THESE AND MANY other desirable properties we are delighted to submit tor your inspection.

STAN 8TERBENZ ft COMPANY TELEPHONE 1489" Real Estate and Property Manage ment 1 Jefferson St, Valparaiso, Indiana FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 6-room home in high school district. ltt bath, full lot. garage; all ten provementa. Priced for qulc sale 307 Weston, pnone 790R. SALLY'S WMMMMMMH special wotoces NATIONALLY ADVERTISED New Ef.

npulrion-iniluction motors, only 3S each, while they Isst- Abo Fairbanks-Morse Heattag Equip meat Sales and Service. Johnson Electric Heating Co- phone 286. LET US FIX your drive-way Slag, stone and fill. Also tnuldoflng and open ditching. Reasonable prices, Clarence Jacobs phone 1657M1.

CAMPAIGN PRINTING Union Label Available THE HERALD-PRESS 116 E. Lincoln way Phone 147 CONCRETE and driveway gravel; slag and coal; delivered reasonable. Olen Dowa, 804 Freeman, phone) 66SM. DRY OAK WOOD FILL SAND, fill dirt, cinders alag; buzzing wood Knm Tayior pnone 654M LIME HAULING and spreading, $2.75 per ton. Slag for -driveway, $2.80.

Milford Parker, K34M2. PAINTING DECORATING Latest in wallpapers. Estimates, Phone 1197R; M. 8. Wright FILL DIRT; cinders; all grades of slag, $2.3) a ton.

sowara spencer, phone 1642J4. SLAG, CINDERS; black dirt and dirt Call Frank Ralston, pnone 1637J2. GENERAL HAULING ashes or rubbish. Call Harold Hendrickson, 1196R. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS IS WANTED TO BUY One copy of "The History of Valparaiso published 1921.

Will pay cash. Write Box 322, Vidette-Messenger. CHEST OF DRAWERS wanted. Phone 1612M1. WEARING APPAREL MATERNITY DRESSES now on sale at Mary's Cotton Shop.

crepes in assorted colors and black, as low as sizes 9 to 15 and 12 to 20; also a few printed maternity spuns in sizes 12 to 18 at only $3.95. 1807, end of North Washington St. Open evenings until 9:00. SPENCER INDIVIDUALLY design supports. Doctors prescriptions accurately filled Beth 8toner J8B Haas 8t.

obone 469R ATTENTION LADIES A house- dress In Roman stripe poplin nice enough for street only $3.50. Field Dress BOY'S WINTER OUTFIT, size 6: man's fingertip reversible coat, size Use new, reasonable. 474M. LIGHT BLUE FORMAL, size 14, worn only once. $15.

Phone 56 1R. DRESSMAKING KA SEWING ALTERATIONS. I Bryant. 108 Monroe, phone 975R OFFICE SUPPLIES IS DID YOU KNOW? You can buy Sacred Recordings by Christian Artists for only 79c each. Also 25 reduction on Albums tor limited time.

VALPARAISO OFFICE SUPPLY Co. 67 Llncolnway Phone 440 ROYAL PORTABLE Typewriters, $7950; Remington No. 7, $92.75. Nelson 18 Indiana, phone Valparaiso. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBILES FOB SALS A-l LATE MODEL USED CARS 1949 Ford Tudor $395 Down 1949 Ford Club Coupe $395 Dowa 1947 Ford Fordor 1947 Chevrolet "Tudor 1948 PonUae'Tudee.

THESE OLDER; MODELS mi Fwa Tfjttf 1941 Ford.ClHb. Coope 19tt PontlM TwIor. 1941 Chevrolet Tndor 1941 pidsmob(le Tndor. 19U Plymouth Coupe extra good 1910 Ford Convertible. We Also Have a 1948 FORD fc-Toa Heavy Duty Pickup wrth 8'z4'-6" Box A Fine Buy MOTOR.

Your FORD Dealer Since 1926 Open Evening Except Saturday Until 8500 Phone 1204 60S E. lincolnway (Jan. 25-3t) On 1954 STUDEBAKESg IMS Champion 4-Door 1947 Cnunander 4-Door 1947 Chrysler NeW Yorker 4-Door -fally equipped; fluid drive 1941 Dedfe Brufnani im "Chevrolet club Coupe TM Chevrolet 4-Door Mercury Club Coupe. Talsnraiae Pheeev. U2A OUSEBOLD GOODS YOU NEED A STEP LADDER? Bee Them At SNYDER'S i 4.

6, 6, 7 and eVFoot Slxe $39, Up SNYDER'S HOME 4c AUTO SUP. Phone 164 7 Lincolnway STUDIO COUCH with mnerspring mattress, In good condition, has new slip-cover; upholstered club chair good condition; both tor $40. Phone 46W1. LOEFFLER'S FLOOR SERVICE- Asphalt tile, rubber tile, linoleum, inter-locking wall tile, and carpets. Free estimates.

Phone 57M. 60S Garfield Ave. METAL UTILITY CABINETS, sin gle or double door, black recessed base; fully insulated door: refrigerator type handles. Valparaiso Furniture Co. WARM MORNING heating stove.

A-l condition; reasonable. Can be seen evenings or Saturdays. First house oft 3 on sturdy road. TRAILER SIZE bottle-gas stove, new; drop teat table, seats 6, new, rack underneath. Phone 1528M.

E. REFRIGERATOR; kitchen set; single folding bed, cheap. Phone 665W. PHILCO CONSOLE RADIO, very good condition. Call 1632R4.

MISC. FOR SALE OXYGEN AND ACETYLENE Cylinders New small size Alrco cylin ders now available on lease basis. No demurrage on lease cylinders. Calumet Welders Supply, Inc, 1122 Virginia St, Gary. Phone 29309.

SHALLOW WELL automatic pres sure pump for sale, with large tank, pump jack; 100 bales third cutting alfalfa hay. Four miles north Hebron off highway 2, near Salem church. Louis O. Jacobs. ADVERTISING SPECIALTIES of all kinds.

Calendars of distinction, pot holders, balloons, metal yardsticks, book matches, etc. Phone 82SM, K. L. Edwards representing the Randle Company. DON'T WATT till it happens! Get a spare projection lamp for your slide or movie projector at Valparaiso Camera Shop.

SOUTH BEND bench lathe for sale, quick change gear, good as new. Fred Barta, 208 Garfield, phone 931. UNDERWOOD PORTABLE type-wrlter. Second house north Cooks Corner on Campbell. Phone 61W2.

8-GAL. MILK CANS. P. Westbay, lH miles south Lake Eliza. LARGE CATALP corner brace and line posts.

Phone 803R. WOOD AND COAL SLAB WOOD for stoves and furn aces. Richard Kanschat, second house west Cobb's Corners, on left Phone 531M. FIREPLACE and furnace wood for sale, delivered. Phone 1604M3, after 4 p.

m. FARM IMPLEMENTS 1948 FORD TRACTOR with hy draulic plow and disc and power take-off seeder; 1948 4-row Harvester corn planter; 1948 6-row weed killer; new 4-sectlon harrow; 1 2-row mounted B-22 corn picker; '49 Allls Chalmers 60" combine, like new; 1 wagon on rubber. Mrs. Catherine Bartolac, first farm south Kankakee river on No. 49; R.

1, Wheatfield. Ind. OLIVER MANURE SPREADERS they spread. See them at Wittenberg's. USED AIR COMPRESSOR, good as new.

2-stage, with K-horae motor Martin Montoney, phone 425. FEEDS FOR GOOD RESULTS feed Moor man's minerals and concentrates. Norman Lipke. Valparaiso, phone 1653W3. STALE BREAD for Feed.

Call He bron 84J after 6 p.m. Monday thru Friday, all day sat and Sunday. 400 BALES of wheat straw. Four miles southeast of Maiden, Frank Hannon. ALP ALFA and brome hay top quality.

W. J. Shuck, phone 1647ML BUILDINGS AND SUPPLIES AS YELLOW PINE Zx4's 10 12' 14' 16 Lengths $82.50 Per Bd. Ft txrs 16 Lengths $8540 Per Bd. Ft ZxFs 14' Lengths $85.90 Per Bd.

Ft SHEATHING WHLTE FINE Or TOIXOWPINE As Lew As JO Per Bd. Ft INSULATING. SHEATHING AsphaH Treated 'k r-T $LM Per 8beei v. Phene tit- J. M.

KRAUSS LUMBER CO N. Washingtea 8t (Jan. 25-3t) BRIGHTEN TOUR HOME with Seldlits Multttent paint your choice of 36 eolors for every type of Interior or exterior surface colors freshly mixed while you wait (Carries Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval, Mark a W. Stephens. Phone 696.

GARAGES. Utility Build-ings only Roysl -can bulla. Two-ear quality garages for $369. No payment till spring years to pay. Phone Valpo 1363 Let the ice skates and sleds that art gathering dust, gather you money by selling them through, a want so -h-.

s-v 4 2 6 10 3 1 20 1 FEMALB BEXP WANTED tl I ESPERIENCKD Stenographer wanU ad. Please) stats experience, age. and educational background: reply to Box 315, Vldette-Mcssenger, YOUNG LADY wanted for assistant to millinery manager. See Mary Keen en at Lowenstinet, MALE BELT WANTED MARRIED MAN to work on farm on salary and share basis; must know livestock and farming. Writ Box 321, Vidette-Messenger.

SITUATIONS WANTED I MAN WITH FAMILY wants work on a farm; experienced. Write Raymond Emerson, R. 4, Valparaiso. MARRIED MAN urgently needs any kind of part-time work; evenings and week-exult. Call 1661WL.

LIVESTOCK BABTF CHICK! ft START OUR CHICKS early this year and get late summer and fall production when eggs are good prise. That Is the season for profit-. able production. Let Valpo Chicks prove themselves to you this year. Valparaiso Hatchery, phone 33.

FOR SALE Certified Pullorom Clean New Hampshire day-old chicks, every Tuesday beginning Jan. 31. Also started chicks avail able. Theodore Bull Hatchery, Valparaiso. BIRDS.

CATS, DOGS, PETS AKO REGISTERED collie pups from strain that holds record for trained collies in obedience trials. Ten champions in three generations. Phone Hobart Lake 2143W, Oaryton. LIVESTOCK FOB SALE SPRINGER CQWS, 2 Holsteln ana uuernseysr oiooa lesiea, freshen within one Also a few fat cattle, suitable tot butch 600-800 lbs. Russell Mc- Daniel, phone 1660WL YOUNG HOLSTEIN BULL for sale.

raised from one of the best cows in the county. Also 165-gaL gasoline tank, reasonable. Emerson Shurr. ONE WELL-BRED Chester White male hoe, weight 200 pounds. Sam Alyea, Hebron, R.

Phone 8R12. REGISTERED GUERNSEY bull calf for sale; suitable to raise on 4-H work; $40. Phone 1665J3. COWS, MILKING equipment for sale. Leo C.

Flitter, Chesterton, R. 1. Phone 8534. ftlEKCIIANUlSE FOOD SPECIALS BUY YOUR FRESH FRUIT, vege tables ana groceries at lowest prices from Miller's Wholesale and Retail Market one mile east of Valparaiso Just in: a carload of Michigan and Wisconsin potatoes, $2.49 for 10O-Jb. sack; Texas tree-ripened navel Juice oranges, Jumbo size, 49c a dozen; sweet tangarines, doz.

35c. We have a special sale on groceries. Krafts Velveeta cheese, 2 lbs. 69c; Crisco, 3-lb. cans 69c; Wilson's Bakerite for cakes, pies and frying, 3 lb.

can 69c. Keyko margarine in quarters, 29c a Wilson's oleo margarine, 24c lb. Whole kernel corn, large cans, 2 for 25c; cream style corn, No. 2 size can, 2 for 25c; tender peas, No. 2 size can, 2 lor 25c; Luvly salad dressing in quart Jars, 39c.

Fresh ground Holleb's Princess coffee, 69c a Holleb's cranberry sauce, tall cans, 3 tor 29c; sliced pine apple, 8 large slices to the can, 29c; peanut butter in refrigerator No. 1 Jars 25c; dill pickets, Mi gals. 38c Assorted toffee candies, 29c a peanut butter kisses, 2 lbs. 29c. Giant size Tide, Oxydol and Dux, 69c; large size soap powders, 4 for 99c.

POlsbury, Gold Medal and Ceresota flour, 25-lb. bag $1.89. We have a large selection of cold meats and frozen foods. Will pay best prices for fresh eggs. HAVE YOU TRIED our raisin and cinnamon bread? Order it in ad vance.

It's really, a special treat Swedish Bakery, 13 Franklin. Phone 673. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of homemade chocolates and bulk candy. Gift boxes. Gay's Home made Candles, 121 E.

Lincolnway. BROADBREASTED turkey poults; heavy trapnested strain. Be sale, order early. Broertjes Turkey Farm, DeMotte, Ind. YOU WILL NOT BE an irritated customer when you buy your Gro ceries and Meats at Leetz for Eats.

Phone 83. City delivery. MILLER'S LIGHT HONEY Re- dr price: 5-lb. pails now $00; 1 7 Jars, 30c. 608 N.

College. YOu NO MUSCOVEY DUCKS and young ganders. Peter Hall berg, phone Boone Grove 144U. TAME RABBITS, dressed and de livered, $1.50 each, pnone lorawx, i West St. BEVERAGES ARE YOU A THOUGHTFUL If you are you keep a watch on the beer In the refrigerator.

If you do run out sometime and want COLD beer in a hurry remember the Franklin House, comer Indiana and CampbelL MUSICAL MERCHANDISE ISA "PEDLER" B-FLAT CLARINET Or sale, A-l condition; reasonable. Phone 1160. HOUSEHOLD GOODS "19" WHAT DOES IT MEANT It refers to the new 19-inch Du Mont Television available tor Im mediate delivery. See and hear it BRISCOE ElJxrrRIO CO. 304 Lincolnway Phone 75 DU PONT "TONTINE" costs no more than any good window shads doth, but can be kept clean by scrubbing with soap and water.

Call us for free estimates on Tontine shades. Bond's Floor As Shade Service, 18 Franklin, downstairs. Phone 1095W. FOR THAT CHILLY NIGHT Universal Electric Blankets now offered at 331 off list VAN NESS ELECTRIC CO LARGE STOCK of good used Turn! ture. New mattresses, new linoleum and some new furniture.

An tiques of all kinds. Flsko Furniture Store, established 21 years; 1109 Lincolnway, phone .120. HAVE TOUR SLIPCOVERS and draperies made while the January sale lasts. Prices greatly reduced. urace Fasiey, Valparaiso Decora tors, 15 N.

Franklin, Phone 209. used 6 CU FT. FREEZER for sale. 1 priced 885, and, two Coldspot re- 1 Barrey -Ehurr, phone 297, DO G. 13 15 THt PRODUCT of III.U.M CfitS UXttt.

HIKE, mux Id A Holt iH'frtt WORLD'S AABY 2 ElEPHAHfi YouHH Wile; ISO 20O BORM. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE THE DAYS OF MONEY TO BURN Used Car Profits Are Gone Used "Car Profits Are Down nd Out We Are Prepared Te Prove It. COME IN TO Stambaugh's AND SEE OUR USED CARS 1949 Mercury 4-Door Sedan 1948 Willys Jeep Station Wagon 1947 Oldsmoblle l-Door Sedanette 1946 Chevrolet S-Door 1939 Mercury 4-Door 1938 Ford g-Door 1948 Plymouth t-Door 1949 Mercury Station Wagoa 1948 Mercury Club Coupe 1946 Ford S-Door 1947 Po Soto 4-Door jf 1949 Ford Tudor 1948 Dodge Z-Door 1948 Chrysler Club Coupe 1940 Club Coupe 1939 Plymouth 8-Doer 1949 Chevrolet 4-Door MANY OTHER GOOD CARS -Te Choose From Stambaugh's LINCOLN MERCURY East on Lincolnway Phone 1149 (Jan. 26-2t) Until Grow On 'Trees DON'T WASTE YOURS BE SMART BE THRIFTY BE SATISFIED 1947 Nash "600" 4-Door Sedan fully equipped like new l947Buick SUtion Wafon fully equipped; like new; low mileage 1947 Oldsmoblle Hydra-Matte 4- Door Sedan fully equipped 1946 Mercury eiean. 4 -Door Sedan THOMAS J.

MARIMON NASH DEALER 452 W. Ltneolnway (Jan.25-4t) '46 CHEVROLET Fleetline, like new ures, complete engine overhaul clean inside and out Guaranteed! Grimm Motor Sales, phone 1270. 1950 PACKARD, with heater and air delivered price. Valparaiso Motor Sales. Indiana Ave, phone 1105.

With '49 motor. 1937 Chevrolet 2-Door. a nice one- cheap. Five miles west on 30, at ung Funng Btanon. 1937 TERRAPLANE Sedan hew tires, new paint new battery, etc $125.

R. C. Storbeck, 605 Lincoln- way, alter i p. m. '41 CHEVROLET 4-Door Sedan: winterised -end ready to eft Full Lrl- onrtrj295; Gritanf Motor paiea, pnone mu 1 i 3and.aas the reaulU want ada set and-agenaa thereculU want adt get USED CARS 1207 Calumet- Phone annrn, T0T e- lllllli'H mr Bum t.a PER CAPtfA IN (944k iwi 1 fiOMC tin BEAUTT SUGGESTIONS I KXPKftT MPfre'' children's If halrcutttng.

Permanent Wares, $5 to $36. Connor-Barnes Beauty Shop, over Penney. Phone Ml. BUSINESS NOTICES WATCH CLOCK REPAIRING Work guaranteed. O-Graf Bervlce.

Paulson Tlme- ART CHKLP 100 Franklin Phone 1188 FROM OUR FACTORY TO YOU SAVE A DOLLAR OR TWO Complete Line. BEFORE YOU BUY get our CASH AND CARRY PRICES. PARKER PAINT VARNISH MFG. CORP, factory north end Locust Valparaiso. BUILDING; PLANS Commercial, Residential and Farm.

Mechanical and Patent 'Drawings. Julian Rangus, Registered Engineer, State Steel Building. Phone 1134. FINANCIAL, NOTICES FOR A QUICK LOAN 'SEE US- LOANS $5 TO $300 "The Old Reliable" PROVIDENT FINANCE CO. PhoneM 11 EAST UNCOLNWAV FARM LOANS Attractive interest rates; long and short time financing Payments adjusted to your needs.

Stewart Learning, Realtor, IS Lin colnway, phone 118. SMALL DOG LOST, children's pet; brown and white female, long hair hWhy tall, Call Valpo 1608R4. HAVE YOU LOST A DOG? Do yon want a dog? Call 1661R1, Valparaiso Humane Society, Inc. LOST, DOWNTOWN district man's Lord Elgin wrist watch. Liberal reward.

Phone 802R. PERSONAL NOTICES I WILL NOT PAY any bills placed against my property on R. R. 2, Valparaiso. Grace E.

Solomon, Mesa, HEARD THE LATEST? Firm Foam cleans auto upholstery like nobody's business. Sievers Drug. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE TUNING, REPAIRING, moth-proof. Ing service on all makes of pianos Don Richards, phone 622R. REP AW SERVICE It WE WOULD LIKE to make a date 1 with your tractor for complete checkup before our shop is crowded with spring rush lobs.

We are equipped to completely service all makes of tractors and farm Im plements. Call us now we will gladly pick up and deliver at your convenience. Martin and Montoney J. I Case Sales Service, phone "425. TELEVISION RADIO Service; antenna Installations Pickup and service Quality TV ft Radio Service 905 Calumet Ave.

Phone 1340R. WIRING AND APPLIANCE Service TV antenna Installations Free estimates. Lamb Electric Service and Repair. 806 N. Locust 8t.

phone ROOFING AND SIDING also car- penter. concrete, Insulation and gutter work. Phone or write Hoo- sier Roofers, Wheeler 134MI R. i 1. Chesterton.

SEPTIC TANKS When you need them, buy the best. Monty's Life- (tjme Reinforced Concrete Septic Tanks, all sizes; also grease traps. Three miles north Valparaiso, higfa- way 49. Ladies' heels, 35c, soles, $125; men's heels, 75c; soles, $1.75. Rips "and stitches free of charge.

B. Kozlenko, Shoe Shop, 304 E. RADIO AND TV Bervice; Aerial Installations. Home and auto radio service. Samuel Sear, 103 Lafay ette, phone 1636 or 613R.

ACES Cleaning and repairs on all makes of furnaces. Holland Furnace local representative. HartU phone U45W. PEWINq MACHINE Repairing and -Parts. New -nd Seed machines.

Johnson Sewing- Machine center 51 Jefferson; 1195J. tiViCE ON MAYTAG and Speed Queen Washers. Pickup and deliv- ery. Van yeas Eectric, phone 161. LT CS REPAIR your radio.

Pickuo and delivery. Vaa Ness Electric pnone lsi. fcLPTIO cleaned. TANKS and Cesspools Sewage, phone AUTOMATIC SAW FILING. Valpo Appllanos Shop, 608 Calumet Ave.

SPECIAL NOTICES injRNACE.WOEK etoker and OH Burner BervtM and cut nation, we ate do aaa guuai wort, XJr.raB i fill ed ilDt OF titlL? ACOMFoRrTABMX UKUORM llMf tKAlURt. IS) OMLV IS FEET JkWAY FROM ANY Or US. 1KAT BELOW nKt SUR.rAC.E. of "fid. ROUHD HC UMPtRAffoRJE.

REMAIHS AAOUf 55 r. AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOBILES FOB BALK GOOD WILL USED CAR SALE Down Price 1 Chevrolet Aero Z-Door Sedan $226 '42 Dodge Sed. RAH '41 Plymouth Convertible RAH $199 '39 Pontiae Coupe $166 $597 $597 Plymouth RAH Z-Door $399 '39 Nash Club Coupe '36 Pontiae 2-Door like new $99 $297 '36 Dodge Bp H-ton pick- 99 $297 '46 Chevrolet H-ton pick Bp new motor, grain box $292 RUGGLE'S PONTIAC The Dealer That DEALS 1300 E. lincolnway Phone 1198 (Jan.26-3t) AUTO PARTS AND flBJES SPECIAL ID- WINTER SALE ON GROUP 1M AND ZL ALLSTATE BATTERIES 36 MO. GUARANTEE $16.00 39 MO.

GUARANTEE 1 $13o85 24 MO. GUARANTEE LESS SPECIAL ALLOWANCE Of On Your Old Battery ROEBUCK GOOD 2-WHEEL TRAILER tor sale, spare wheel, ore, and tarpaulin, 7-ft box. Phone 484M. HOUSE TRAILERS MUST SELL house trailer best I offer over $1,200. Williamson, 866 Kinsey.

BICYCLES. PARTS, 8ERT1CB PB USED BICYCLES ft WHTZZERS Now is the time to pick Up a real wry- KEENE TIRE SERVICE OlPLOmENl FEMALE HELP WANTED OFFICE MANAGER. capable handling important orders and de tails without errors, typing own letters, etc. Position will start on part-time basis and become per- and Interested in long range era- pioymenv no younger than 30. write o.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.