Mount Carmel Item from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania (2024)


THE CHURCH WORLD jStories of famitmk 10-45 A. Morning Worship. 6:30 P. Young People's Ser vice 7:30 P. EvangeUstlo Service, Everyone is welcome at tht church services.

Tuesday: Prayer and Praise at 6:30 P. M. Friday: Children Church. Bible Study at 6:30 P. M.

Needful." (Luke At this! -HORACE B. POWELL Church of The Nazarene Mount Carmel Road Laveile Pa. Rev. W. H.

Binkley, Pastor 9:30 A. Sunday Bible School. Charies Hobson, superintendent. 10.30 A Morning Worship. 7:00 P.

Young People and Junior Meetings. P. Evangelistic Services. 7:30 P. M.

Wednesday, Prayer Meeting. 7 30 P. Friday. Cottage Meeting. Chapel of The I.

H.M. Academy Fountain Springs, Pa. Rev. Charles Dlnan. Chaplain 7:30 a.

m. Low Mass 1:15 P. Benediction. Low Mass, Daily, at 6:30 A. M.

First Friday: Holy Hour, 2:30 to 3:30 P. M. The Old Rugged Cross On a hill far away stood an old rugged cross, The emblem of suff'ring and shame; And I love that old cross where the dearest and best For a world of lost sinners was slain. Oh, that rugged old cross, so despised by the world, Has a wondrous attraction for me For the dear Lamb of God left His 8lory above To bear it to dark Calvary. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, A wondrous beauty I see: For 'twas on that old cross Jesus suffered and died To pardon and sanctify me.

To the old rugged cross I will ever be true, Its shame and reproach gladly bears Then, He'll call me some day to my home far away Where His glory forever I'll share. First Sunday: Adoration Society meets from 3:00 to 3:15 P. M. Hour of Adoration from 8:15 to 4:15 P. M.

Tabernacle Society meets from 7:00 to 9:00 P. M. on the first and third Thursdays and the second and fourth Mondays. CATHOLIC INFORMATION A LITTLE STORY OF A GREAT When you see in a Catholio church, shrine or home a picture or statue of our Blessed Savior with arms outstretched in invitation. with heart glowing with love and bleeding in anguish, you are wit nessing the sequel to a little story of a great love more than 200 years old.

In a convent in France in 1673, a humble little nun had the one great love experience of her life; and requited love it proved to be, for her beloved Jesus appeared to her in the flesh and with detailed directions made her the instrument of spreading throughout the world the beautiful Devotion to the Sacred Heart. The account of the Divine Visitation was first doubted, then investigated and finally officially recognized by the Catholic Church. That is why today Christ's Own directions to her whom we now venerate as St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, are being fulfilled in every land. That is why the Feast of the Sacred Heart is celebrated on a special day every June.

That is why on the First Friday morning every month millions of Catholics take into their breasts their God in Holy Communion and spend an evening hour adoring His Real Presence exposed under the appearance of bread. In essence the Devotion to the Sacred Heart means the recognition and appreciation of the God-Man's love for us (symbolized by His Sacred Heart) and the return of our love to Him In reparation for our own sins and for those of the millions who ignore, deny or hatet Him. In this beautiful act of worship Catholics try to heed the plea of Jesus Himself, Who said to the humble nun: "Do you at least con Heidelberg League on Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. St. Peter's West Avenue Rev.

Paul D. Weaver, Pastor Rev. Anthony J. Mayan, Assistant Rev. Herman Herbst, C.PP.S, Assistant Elmer Belfanti, Director of Choir Alfred Ford, Organist Low Mass, 7:00 A M.

Children's Mass, 9:00 A. M. High Mass, 11:00 A.M. Christian Ethics Class, 6:30 P. M.

Benediction, 7:00 P. M. Week Daily Mass, 7:30 and 8:00 A. M. Miraculous Medal Perpetual No vena, Monday 4:30, 7:00 and 8:00 P.

M. Boy Scouts meet every Thursday at 7:30 P. M. Cubs meet every Thursday at 4:30 M. St.

Paul's Chapel Atlas Rev. Paul D. Weaver, Pastor Ft. A J. Mayan, Assistant Rev.

Herman Herbst, C.PP.S, Assistant Florian Schiavoni, Organist and Choir Director. Low Mass, 7:00 A. M. Children's Mass, 9:00 A. M.

High Mass, 11:00 A. M. Christian Ethics Class, 6:30 P. M. Week Days: Daily Mass, 7:30 A.

M. St. Michael's Russian Orthodox Avenue and Willow street Rev. Andrew P. Dedlck, Pastor John Horoschak, Choir Director Matins, 9:00 A.

Divine Liturgy, 10:00 A. M. Vespers, 4:00 p. m. Choir rehearsals Tuesday and Friday at 7:30 P.

Holiness Christian North Chestnut Street Rev. Paul Freeman. Pastor 10:00 A. Sunday School. Felix Zimmerman, Superintendent.

11:00 A. Worship and Sermon. I Sermon by the pastor. 6:00 P. Junior meeting.

Miss Aulene Dettery, leader. 6:30 P. Senior meeting, Mrs. Dorothy Neumeister, leader. 7:00 P.

Song and Praise Serv ice. 7:45 P. An Evangelistic Ser mon by the pastor. During the week: Tuesday, 7:30 P. Prayer Meet ing.

Thursday, 7:30 P. Prayer Meeting. The public is invited to attend these services. St. Paul Evangelical Cor.

North Hickory St. and Avenue Rev. W. E. Pottieger.

Pastor Mrs. Walter Scott, Organist Mrs. Wayne Smith, Choir Directress The Church School meets at 9:30 a. under the direction of Wal ter M. Mervine, and assistants, Wal' ter Scott and Walter Strunk.

Classes for all ages. Worship at 10:30 A. M. Sermon by the Minister. Theme Boldness of the Christian Hope.

Anthem by the Girl's Choir, Worship at 7:00 P. M. Sermon by the Minister. Theme: "The Preeminence of Christ." Ar.them by the Adult Choir, Activity of the week: Monday: Men's Bible Class Meeting at 7:30 P. M.

Tuesday Young Peoples' Evange Ileal League at 7:30 P. M. Work And Win Class Meeting at 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayermeeting at 7:30 P.

M. Class Leaders, George Foster and Walter Strunk. Thursday Junior Evangelical League at 4:15 P. M. Pollyanna Circle Meeting at 7:30 P.

M. Girl's Choir Rehearsal at 6:00 P. M. Adult Choir Rehearsal at 7:30 P. M.

In the future: Lent begins February 26th. First Church Of God West Second Street, near, Vine Rev. David E. Maugans, Pastor Mr. Marvin Longenberger, Church School Superintendent Mrs.

Russell Luti, Church School Assistant Superintendent Pianist, Audrey Davies Betty Cahoon, Church School Pianist Sunday: 10:00 A. Observance of the Fifty-seventh Anniversary of the Church School. Special program. Guest speaker: Rev. J.

Detter, former pastor, of Harrisburg, Pa, Sermon: "Unto Him That Hath, 7:00 P. Divine Worship. Sermon: "Who Is Ashamed?" Monday 7:30 P. meeting of the Via torv Bible Class in the social room of the church; luesaay. XOUng reopies oci' etv of Christian Endeavor, uiraujr 6:30 Junior Christian En deavor.

7:30 P. Union pre-Lenten Service Grace Reformed Church. Dr. Wesley Boyd, Editor of the will be the speaker. Thursday: 7:45 P.

Senior Choir re- hearsal. Come and worship with us. St. Mary's Kulpmont Rev. Dr.

Jos. J. C. Pcirovlts, Pastor Fr. James F.

Gough, Assistant Low Masses at 7, 8, 9 and 9:45. High Mass at 10 Every Sunday and Friday evening Catechetical Class meets on Fri- day at 6:30 P. M. You are cordially invited to wor ship with us. St.

John The Baptist R. C. West Second Street Re. Charles J. Petrasek Pastor Stephen G.

Mihallk, Organist Low Mass. 8:00 A. M. High Mass, 10 00 A. M.

8udallty Office 6:30 M. Evening Devotions, 7:00 o'clock St. Matthew's Slovak Lutheran Avenue and Poplar Street Rev. J. A Janisak, Pastor Mrs.

Anna Pivarnik. Onanist v. Ceam Zaleha. Knndav School Superintendent and Choir Director g.fjQ a Sunday School. P'OVftK language.

Sermon: "Our Times." The Senior Choir will render selection, 7:00 P. Wednesday Cathe- tlcal Class. 7:00 P. Thursday Senior Choir. 10:00 A.

Saturday Bible School. "SOME FELL BY THE WAYSIDE" A farmer's helper came home from church one Sunday morning and during the noonday meal told how wonderfully the pastor had preached. The farmer, who had been unable to attend the service asked: "What text did the pastor have?" "I have forgotten," the man re- plied. How did he close his "I did not hear the close of the sermon because I had to leave be' fore it was ended." "Well, what was the main trend of the sermon?" "I cannot say," answered the helper, "because I was so tired that I did not hear it all." You are welcomed to worship In the Little Church on the Corner. United Brethren In Christ Corner Third and Vine Streets Edward T.

TJhler, Pastor Why do ye call Him 'Lord, Lord' and do not the things that He says? There may be the luscious language Of the Hps, but it does not deceive Him. He looks under the leaves for fruit. F. B. Meyer.

Bible School, 10:00 A. M. Lawrence Williams, Supt, Assembly for worship, 11:00 a. m. Sermon: "Quenching the Holy Spirit." Christian Endeavor, 6 00 P.

M. Assembly for Worship, 7:00 P. M. Sermon: "Is God Able? W. M.

A. Meeting, Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting, 7:30 P. M.

Thursday: Bible Training Class, 7:00 P. M. Choir Rehearsal, 8:00 P. M. "One man filled with the Holy Snlrit.

can do more than a thousand men, whatever their earnestness and whatever their eifts. in whom the Holv SDirit does not dwell: the thousand will do nothing, and the one man through God will draw a multitude Cnnst. Jjr, K. W. Dale.

Everybody welcome. Zon Primitive Methodist North Market Street Rev. G. W. Harrison, Pastor Mr.

a J. Else, Choir Director Mrs. Raymond McCoy. Organist 10:00 A. Bible School.

Albert Klawitter, Superintendent. Morning Worship at 11:00 o'clock. Subject: "The Jordan Baptism. 6:00 P. Young People's meet ing.

Evening Worship at 7:00 o'clock. Subject: "Pardon." Tuesday: 7:30 P. Mrs. A. Klawltter's Class will meet.

Wednesday: 6:15 P. Junior Society. 7:30 P. This congregation Will meet with others in the Union Pre- Lenten Service to be held in the Grace Reformed Church. The Rev.

Dr. Wesley Boyd, Editor of the Primitive Methodist Journal, will be the speaker. Thursday: 8:00 p. Choir rehearsal. You are invited to worship withi at all services.

Grace Reformed Third and Market Streets Rev. LeRoy C. Brumbaugh, Pastor Mr. Ben Stone, Choir Director Mrs. Thomas Green, Jr, Organist Morning Worship at 9:00 o'clock.

Sermon: "A Life of Service." uhnnl ok 1000 A' Edward Kraftchak, superintendent, Evening Worship at 7:00 o'clock. Sermon: "Christian Unity." Tle first of two Union Lenten Services under the sponsorship of the Mount Carmel Ministerium will held in Grace Tjofnrmpd Church on Wednesday evenine lPohn loth 7:30 o'clock. The crot, nt t.h will be Rev. Wesley Boyd. D.

Editor of the DrimtHvo Mot.hnrikfc and pastor of the Primitive Methodist rhmh of Shenandoah. Pa. May tnls pre-Lenten service be the be n-irtnlnw nf firwlAl Pmnhflsift in Lhi.n miiminnMno- in The Queen Esther Class will snonsor their Annual Washington Birthday Party for the members and friends of the congregation on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. An interestlne and enterta nimr nro- Kram nag jgn prepared and re- frAchm.nt.s will he served. Intermediate Choir will meet on Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock.

senior Choir will meet on Tues- evening at 8:00 o'ciock. Cathetical Class will meet onl St. Stephen's Episcopal Fourth and Maple Streets Bev. Harvey P. Knudsen, Rector Organist.

Miss Irene l'hompsun Michael David. Superintendent of Sunday School 8:00 A. Holy Communion. 7:00 P. M.

Evensong and Sermon. Church Of Our Lady Fourth and Market 8treet Rev James f. Clarke. Pastor Rev. Joseph Smarsh Assistant Rev.

Joseph C. Gotwalt Assistant 6:45 A Low Mass. 7:00 A Low Mass. 8:00 Low Mass. 9:00 AM, Children's Mass.

11 00 A High Mass. 1:00 P. Baptisms. 6:45 Sodality Meeting. 7:00 P.

M4 Evening Devotions. Mennonite Brethren In Christ West Fourth Street. Near Vine Rev. W. Hartman.

Pastor Miss Shirley Estock, Pianist Sunday services: 9 '30 A. M. School. Paul V. Frye, superintendent.

Classes for all ages. 10:30 A. Worship. Sermon by the pastor. Theme: "The Christian's Growth." 6:00 P.

Young People's Meet ing. Study Topic: "The Inspiration of the Scriptures." 7:00 P. Evangelistic Service. Sermon by the Theme: "The Work of God." Week Day Services: Tuesday: 7:30 Prayer Meeting John leader. P.

Prayer Meeting. John W. Boehmer, leader. Come and worship with us! First Congregational North Market Street Rev. James S.

Henry, Pastor Miss Anna Mae Snyder, Organist Services on Sunday: 10:00 A. Sunday School. Mr. Harold O'Donnell, Superintendent. 11:00 A.

Worship. Sermon: "The Real Aristocrat." 7:00 P. Worship. Dedication of Pulpit munion Table Scarfs. Order of Service: Hymn.

Prayer Rev. Henry. and Com- Scripture Mr. William Rudlsill. Duet Janet Earley and Charis Henry.

Instrumental Solo Harold O'Don nell, Jr. Announcements, and offering. Duet Ruth Zieger and Jane Wil liams. Theme Hymn by he Youth Fel lowship. Presentation of Scarfs Mr.

H. O'Donnell, Sr. AcceDtance of Scarfs By Mr. John L. Davies.

Sermon on the significance of scarf emblem, Rev. Henry. Hvmn. Benediction by Youth Fellowship (MiZpah.) Tuesday 7:30 P. Ladies Aid Society Meeting.

Wednesday, 7:00 P. Youth Fellowship. Leader: Betty Lukens. Wednesday, 7:30 P. Union Pre-Lenten Service at Grace Reformed Church, Thursday, 8:00 P.

A. B. C. Party. 'Committee in charge: Mrs.

Char im rsoptjL Mr. O. J. Rodeers. Mrs.

wnn Williams. Mrs. M. J. Davies.

Miss Anna Trefsgar, Mr. Webster Program arranged for the slon: Solo Mr. Alex. Earley. Solo Mrs.

Howard Rudlsill. Duet Mrs. Frank Young and daughter Olive. Reading Miss Ruth Watkins. Piano Solo Miss Kathryn Schlagle.

First Presbyterian Fifth and Hickory Streets J. Harold Wolf, Pastor Irs. C. K. Williams, Choii Directress Sunday services begin with the Sabbath School at 10:00 o'clock in charge of Mr.

John Wagner. You are invited to study the word in classes. You should be a member of some class. Divine Service in the morning at 11:00 o'clock. Sermon by the minister.

Subject: "Waiting on the Young People's Society will meet at 6:15 P. M. Mr. Glenn Evans will be the lead' er. Evening worship at 7:00 o'clock, Evening subject: "Forgiveness." Instruction Class will meet Mon ay evening at 4:15 at the church.

talon Pre-Lenten service in the Reformed Church Wednesday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. The Choir meets each week. You are invited to worship the services in this church. at First Methodist North Hickory Street "The Home-Like Church" Rev. Andrew L.

Btxler. Pastor Miss E. May Wardrop, Cholrmistress Mr. George McElhenny, Pianist Sunday: Church School, J. Warren Oelst, A.

Superintendent, 10:00 a m. Classes ror all ages. Lesson for adults: "Practicing Forgiveness and Gratitude." (Luke 17). ocimun. aim xiuciai Adjustment." (Acts Junior Choir, Mrs.

Russell Zimmerman, Leader, sings. Younur PeoDle's Service. 6:00 P. Leader and topic to be announced. Divine Worship, 7:00 P.

A gospel vesper service for every' body. Senior Choir sings and Pas- ir. nn "The nn Thinir in 7:00 i service there will be echoes from the Ihde Fellowship Services. During the Week: Wednesday Junior League for boys and girls at 6:15 P. M.

Church Membership Class at 6:30 P. M. There win be no Midweek Prayer Service because of the Union Pre- Lenten Service which will be held in the Grace Eeformed Church, East Third and Market Streets, at 7:30 P. M. The Reverend Dr.

Wesley Boyd, Editor of the Primitive Meth odist Church Journal will preach. Thursday, 8:00 P. M. Choir Re hearsal. Friday: A Patriotic George Washington Party sponsored by the Epworth league wm oe neiu uic ouuuu nun ai i.ju r.

ai. xue Amerwuui nag uiai is lo oe preseiutu to uw TTowiilfrtr, TfenncNronlo in tVio Hamilton, Pennsylvania In the spring will be on display. TVio mihll fc olnrovc Tirol ft of. all the services of First Methodist Church. Slovak Presbyterian Avenue and Market Street Rev.

George Virchick, Pastor Mr. Michael Yanlck, Organist Morning Worship at 10:00 o'clock. Sunday School, 11:00 A. M. Evening Worship Service, 7:00 o'- clock.

Monday: 7:00 P. Senior Choir Re hearsal. Tuesday: 7:30 P. Senior Christian En deavor. Wednesday: 7:00 P.

Mid-week Prayer Serv ice. Thursday: 7:00 P. Ladies' Aid will meet 6:00 P. Junior Choir rehearsal will take place. The Salvation Army 38 North Maple 6treet Officers Jn Charge Captain Martha Kilpatrick Lieutenant Doreen Vahey Sunday: 10:00 A.

Street Senrice. 11:00 A. Holiness Meeting. 2:00 P. Sunday School.

Young People's Legion, 6:15 P. M. Street Meeting, 7:00 P. M. P.

Salvation Meeting. Week-day Meetings, 7:30 P. Tuesday: Corps Cadet Class and Soldiers meeting. Thursday: Women's Fellowship meeting, Friday: Holiness meeting. All are welcome.

SS. Peter and Paul Greek Catholic Corner Beech and Avenue Rev. L. Zakrevsky, Rector Joseph Zarembst, Choir Director 8:00 A. Low Mass.

9:30 A. High Mass. 7:00 P. Vespers. Holy CrOSS Lithuanian B.vh onH Pnntar Ktroot Rev.

Dr. Joseph B. Koncius, Pastor Rev. Fr. John P.

Klimas, Assistant Walter J. Khirrant ftrranlat Masses on Sunday at Holy Cross: Low Mass at 7:00 A. M. Children's Mass at 9:00 A. M.

High Mass at 10:30 A. M. Vespers at 7:00 P. M. For Lithuanians of Kulpmont at St.

Mary's Church, Mass at 8:30 A. Confessions will be heard Satur- days at 3 P. M. and 7 P.M. Our Mother of Consolation Avenue and Poplar Street Rev.

Jos. A Pobleschek, C. S. Bp, Rector Rev. F.

C. Lachowskl. C. 8. Sp.

Assistant Rev. Chester Malek, 8. Sp, Assistant Miss Irene Wydra, Organist First Mass at 7:00 A M. Second Mass. 8:00 A.

M. Third Mass. 9:00 A. M. High Mass, 10:30 A.

M. Week-day Masses, 7:00 l. M. and 7:45 St. Joseph's Sixth and Hickory Streets Rev.

Peter J. Maciejewski, 8. Sp, Pastor Rev. Andrew Bfdnarcsyft 8. Sp, Assistant Mr.

F. Gdaniec, Organist 7:00 A. Low Mass. 9:00 A. Children's and Young Folks' Mass.

10:30 A. High Mass. 12:30 Baptisms. 3:00 P. Devotions and Bene diction.

Grace Lutheran West Avenue Rev. W. M. Allison. Pastor Carl Ruths, Choir Director Miss Dorothy Howenstlne Organist Services on Sunday as follows: Sabbath School at 9:30 A.

Donald Woodrlng, superintendent charge. I Classes for all asea. Divine Worship and Sermon at 10:30 A. M. Theme: "The Fields and Their Fruits." Junior Church Service at 10:45 Evening Worship and Sermon at o'clock, Theme: "Human Bonds and Dl vme Blessings, service Wednesday evening in Grace Re- Churrh merry wihws ui Thursday evening in tne social roorr of the church.

Miss Sadie Williams, hostess, Friendly Bible Class meets on Friday evening in the social room. cnuuren 01 tne unurcn meet on Thuvsdav at 4:15 P. M. us be day sole and rejoice me by supplying as much as you can for their ingrati-, tude." There is nothing more Godly in Heaven than God's love for man. There is nothing more manly on earth than man's love for God.

Jesus Christ loves us and has told us so. If we love Jesus Christ -should not we tell Him so? form when Mr. Bennard first sang it for a group of intimate friends. A little later, it was Introduced to the public at an evangelistic rally in A Methodist bishop once called it "the greatest hymn of the twentieth century." Another churchman has placed it with "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" and "Rock of Ages" as one of the three most popular hymns of present-day Christendom. Whenever radio hymn programs are broadcast and listeners are invited to request favorite hymns, an overwhelming number of calls is always received for "The Old Rugged Cross." Monday: The Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet in the chutch at 7:00 o'clock.

Wednesday: Junior League, 6 P.M. Junior Choir Rehearsal, 7 P. M. Senior Choir rehearsal, 7:30 p. Thursday: Young People's Choir rehearsal, 7:00 P.

M. Friday: Leadership Training School at 7:00 P. M. The Board of Christian Educa tion will meet at 9:00 P. M.

A friendly church. All are wel come. SS. Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Centralla 9:00 A. Morning Service 10:00 A.

High Mass. 6:00 P. Vespers. St. Mary's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Centralla Rev.

A A Ulanltsky, Rector Low Mass at 8:00 A M. High Mass at 9:30 A. M. Vespers at 3:00 P. M.

Presbyterian Centralla Rev. Arthur L. Denies, Pastor Mr. Ray Williams, 8. S.

Supt 2:00 P. Sunday School. 3:00 P. Church Services. St.

Peter's Lutheran Aristes Rev. Morris F. Good, Pastor Miss Marian Fenstennacher, Directress Miss Faye Kostenbauder, Organist James Kostenbauder, S. S. Supt Sunday School at 10:00 A.

M. Evening Service at 7:00 o'clock. Theme: "Jephthah and His Catechetical Lecture on Friday at 6.00 P. M. "For by it (faith) the elders ob talned a good report." Heb.

11:2. Everybody is welcome. United Brethren In Chris) Aristes Rev. J. H.

Dunham, Pastor Russell Oakum. S. S. Supt Sunday School, 10:00 A. M.

Preaching, 11:00 A. M. Junior Christian Endeavor Society. 2:00 Senior Christian Endeavor, 6:15 P. M.

Methodist Mldvalley No. One Sunday School. 9:45 A. M. Wilbert Larzelere, Superintendent Preaching, Rev R.

V. Laidlg, 7:30 P.M. Church School, 9:45 A. M. Preaching, Rev.

R. V. Laidig, 11:00 A. M. Preaching Service alternate each Sunday.

Midvalley No. 2 Union Rev. i. M. Fryberger, Pastor Calvary Tabernacle 9th and Walnut Streets Ashland, Pa.

Frank D. Christie, Pastor 9 30 A. 8unday School. When he wrote his famous hymn, in 1913, Mr. Bennard was making a study of the Cross in God's plan of redemption.

The urge came to put his thoughts into song. At first, he made little headway with his hymn-writing. Then, while conducting a revival one day, he caught a new vision of the Cross and began to see its deeper meaning. It brought the inspiration he had been awaiting and within a few days he had completed the song which was to enrich and bless the lives of so many of his fellow men and women. The song was still in manuscript Holy Day Masses at 7'3P and 9:30 A.

M. Church Doctrine for High School students, Wednesday at 6:00 P. M. Holy Communion: Sodality, first Sunday in month. Holy Name Society, second Sun day in month.

Rosary Society and school chil dren, first Friday In montn. Confessions every Saturday from 4 to 5 P. M. and in evening hcgln- ning at 6 o'clock. St.

Mary's Ukrainian Catholic Marion Heights (Kelser, Pa.) Rev. Walter J. Bilynsky, Pastor Sunday: 8:00 A. Low Mass. 10:00 A.

High Mass. 4:00 P. Vespers and Benedic tion. Week-day Masses at 7:30 A. M.

Holy Day Masses at 9:00 A. M. Holy Communion: Sodality, Sacred Heart Society and School Children First Sunday in month. Confession every Saturday, 6:00 P. M.

for children, and 7:00 P. M. for everyone. Catechism: St. Joseph's Locust Gap Rev.

P. J. Enright, Rector Rev. Andrew Hazuda, Assistant 7:00 A Low Mass. 9C Chlldrea Communion Mass.

10:30 A High Mass. 7:00 P. Evening Devotions. Locust Gap Union E. O.

Erb, Pastor 9:00 iun. Preaching. 9:45 am Sunday School, Wm. Felker, Supt. Holy Trinity Episcopal Cenixalla The Rev.

Harvey P. Knudsen, Vicar 3:00 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon. St.

Ignatius Centralla Rev. Patrick J. Phelan, Rector Rev. Francis McCullough, Assistant Sunday Masses at 7:00, 9:00 and 11:00 A. M.

10:00 A. Sunday School. 7:00 P. Miraculous Medal De votions. Week-day masses at 6:30 and 8:00 AM.

Methodist Centralis Rev. Jesse K. Gunder. Pastor Sunday, February 16, 1941. Church School, 9:30 A.

M. Alfred Burge. Superintendent Full Departmentalization. Class es for all ages. Lesson: "Practicing Forgiveness and Gratitude." Luke 17.

Morning Worship, 10:30 o'clock. Seimon: "Francis Asbury America's Saint." Anthem Senior Choir. Epworth League, 6:00 p. m. Charles Clews, President.

Evening worship, 7:00 o'clock. Sermon: "Jesus and the Com mon People." Anthems by Young People's and Junior Choirs. "THE OLD RUGGED CROSS" In churches of every denomina tion, "The Old Rugged Cross" has always been one of the most glorious of the evangical hymns. The Salvation Army is particularly fond of it, for George Bennard, its author, was an adjutant in the 'Army" at the time of Its composi tion. Today, as a minister of the Meth odist church, he is engaged in evangelistic work at Albion, Mich.

But he never has forgotten his Salva tionist friends and now and then he comes back to conduct soul-winning crusades under "Army" auspices. at 7:00 o'clock. Miraculous Medal Novena. St. Casimir's Kulpmont Rev.

Vincent Wojno, Rector Rev. Alphonse T. Marclnavage, Assistant 8unday Masses: 7:00 A. Low Man. Polish in structlon.

9:00 A. Children's Mass. En lish instruction 10:30 A High Mass, followea by Benediction All Saints' Lutheran Kulpmont Rev. J. W.

Dean, D. Pastor Miss Leah Laubenstein, Choir Directress Miss Florence Boyer, Pianist Mr. Frank Conni, 8. 8. Supt.

Sunday School at 9:30 am. Morning Worship, 10:30 A. M. Luther League, 6 30 pxi. Vespers, 7:30 pm.

Tuesday, Brotherhood, 7:30 p. Wednesday, Prayer Service, 7:30 p. ni s. S. Association, 8:15 P.

Thursday, Ladles Aid Society, 7:30 P. M. Polish National Catholic (Monroe BL Kalp Memorial Church) Kulpmont Rev. Louis Orsech, Pastor Servicse will be held in the Polish National Catholic Church, of Kulp mont, every First Sunday of the month at 8:00 A. M.

Mass and Sermon. Everybody welcome. All other Sundays, Vespers at 4:00 P. M. Monroe H.

Kulp Memorial Church of Ascension Kulpmont The Rev. Harvey P. Knudsen, Vicar Sunday 11:00 A. M. Holy Communion and Sermon.

Natalie Union Sunday School at 11:00 A M. St. Nathaniel's Chapel Natalie Methodist Kulpmont Frank W. Kim per. Pastor 10:00 A.

Sunday School. George Iloyer, Superintendent 4:00 P. Vesper Service. Evening Worship Service at 7:00 o'clock. Bethany Union Oreen Ridge.

Pa. Non-sectarian, inter denomina tional. Rev. S. B.

Cummings, Pastor Sunday School at 2:30 P. M. Classes for everyone. All are in vited. Service, 3:15 P.

M. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Marion Heights f-atUx VincDt Pastor 8:00 A. Low Mass. 10:00 A. High Mass.

4 00 Vespers and Uencdic- tion Week-day Masses at 7:00 A. M. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I im-' plore that I may ever love Thee more and more!" If you would like to know more about Catholic prayers and devotions, write to Catholic Information Society, IHM Academy, Foun tain Springs, Ashland, P. Pa. Congregational Fountain Springs St.

Joseph's Locust Dale Rev. John Weber, Pastor Grace E.C. Locust Dale, Pa. Christ E.C. Barry Gowen City Christ Independent CHURCH Mowry Rev.

Paul Roadarmel, Pastor St. James Lutheran Hunterville Rudy, Pastor Christ E. C. Lavelle Rev. J.

H. Tiee, Pastor Gems Of Thought HONESTY Make yourself an honest man, and then you may be sure that there Is one rascal less In the world. Carlyle. Honesty is one part of eloquence. We persuade others by being in earnest ourselves.

Hazlitt. Honor is worth Its danger and Its cost, and life Is worthless with- out honor. G. Bernard Shaw. Justice, Honesty, cannot be ab jured; their vitality Involves Life-calm, irresistible, eternal.

Mary Baker Eddy. Do your work, be honest, keep your word, help when you can, be fair. J. P. Morgan.

1 We enjoy ourselves only in our' work, our doing; and our best do- ing is our best enjoyment. Jacobt Wi Djvnoa m. -a.

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Article information

Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Views: 5535

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.