Warden Report Burn Permit (2025)

1. Wardens Report

  • About Warden's Report

2. Warden's Report - Facebook

  • Warden's Report is a website that enables towns to offer their residents online burn permits free of charge! Get your town on board! www.wardensreport. com.

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

3. Maine Open Burn Permit

  • This online service allows you to request an open burning permit from 9am - Midnight, 7 days a week.

4. Burn Permits | Kennebunk, ME - Official Website

5. Burning Permits | Town of Lebanon ME

  • Burning permits may be obtained online via www.wardensreport.com. There is no charge to obtain a burning permit at the station or online.

  • Click here for additional information about Burning PermitsBurning permits may be obtained online via www.wardensreport.comThere is no charge to obtain a burning permit at the station or online. Permits obtained online MUST be kept by the responsible party.

6. Burning Permits - Buxton Fire-Rescue

  • Burning permits may be obtained online at www.wardensreport.com after 9:00am. If you do not have access to a computer, you can obtain a burn permit by ...

  • Town of Buxton Burning Permit Information Burning Permits may be obtained online at www.wardensreport.com after 9:00am. If you do not have access to a computer, you can obtain a burn permit by contacting the town fire warden at (207) 219-9027. If the fire warden is unavailable, contact Buxton Fire-Rescue at (207) 929-3099 ext. 101. State of Maine Rules and Guidelines for Open Burning Open Burning Permits Open Burning is the burning of any type of combustible material out of doors in the open or in incinerators that are less than 1,000 gallons. Permits are granted by the DOC Forest Ranger, the town forest fire warden, or the fire chief that has jurisdiction over the location where the fire is to be set. Permits must be issued in accordance with all applicable state and local fire regulations. A permit may be revoked: • During a period of high forest fire danger • Where a nuisance condition is created • When permit conditions are not followed Open Burning Permit Terms • Burning must proceed with all necessary precautions to prevent the spread of fire and must not create any nuisance* conditions. • Burning must follow all criteria listed on the burning permit. Forest Rangers and town forest fire wardens are legally responsible for ensuring that all established criteria for allowable burning are followed. Any person who engages in outdoor burning that is prohibited by statute or who fails to comply with the conditions of the permit shall be guilty of a Class E crime. Permissible...

7. Free Online Burn Permits | Bristol ME

  • Free Online Burn Permits. Warden's Report Logo. The residents of Bristol now have the ability to obtain a burn permit online for no charge.

  • The residents of Bristol now have the ability to obtain a burn permit online for no charge. The status and timing of burn permit availablity will be updated daily by the Bristol Fire Chief or authorized personnel. Burn permits are now available online for free by clicking here.

8. Outdoor Burning Permit Information | Town of Gorham ME

  • The two sites we use where you can get a burn permit at are: www.maine.gov/burnpermit and www.wardensreport.com. Any day that we are issuing permits you can get ...

  • Town of Gorham Open Burning Permit Application (online) Burning permits will be issued after 9:15 am depending on weather conditions and class day. If we are allowing burn permits today check out the online application below to get yours!

9. Burn Permits - Town of Scarborough

  • As of September 2023, burn permits may be requested through the Maine Burn Permit System government website directly (formerly Warden's Report website). The ...

  • Burn Permits - Scarborough, Town of

10. Reminder about Burn Permits - Town of Minot, Maine

  • To check conditions and/or obtain a Burn Permit, please visit Wardens Report (Click Androscoggin County> Minot) for Town information and to apply. If you ...

  • A Burn Permit is required for all burning other than a small, contained warming or cooking fires and will only be issued when the conditions warrant such use. To check conditions and/or obtain a Burn Permit, please visit Wardens Report (Click Androscoggin County> Minot) for Town information and to apply. If you have concerns regarding a fire in your neighborhood, call 911 and they have information regarding all issued Burn Permits and can dispatch Fire Department personnel to investigate if deemed necessary. 

Warden Report Burn Permit (2025)


Who do you call for a burn permit in South Carolina? ›

For open burning of yard debris outside city or town limits, you should call a toll-free number for the county in which you live. Visit http://www.state.sc.us/ forest/fyard. htm to find your number. If you plan to burn anything else, call the Forestry Commission at 1-800-777-3473.

Do I need a burn permit for a fire pit in California? ›

You can help protect the forest from wildfires by knowing and following rules for the safe use of fire. Please obtain a California Campfire Permit if you plan to build a campfire, use a barbecue, use a lantern or use a stove outside any developed recreation area (campground or picnic area).

Do you need a fire permit in Maine? ›

The new law (LD24) took effect in Maine on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 which requires a permit for any campfire that is larger than 3 feet in height and 3 feet in diameter, that is not for debris disposal. Permits for burning brush and wood debris are unaffected and are still required under the existing regulations.

Who do I call to get a burn permit in Tennessee? ›

Permits are available for burning leaf and/or brush piles and for prescribed fires, including broadcast burning for various purposes such as land clearing, forestry, and agricultural applications. Individuals with limited internet access may obtain a permit by calling 877-350-BURN (2876).

Is burning cardboard illegal in SC? ›

Under no circumstances can you burn household waste, including but limited to: treated wood, cardboard, paper, shingles or siding, wire, tires, insulation, plastic, oil, etc.

Do you need a burn permit in SC? ›

Outdoor burning is regulated by the South Carolina State Forestry. They allow outdoor burning for agriculture and home cleanup of materials that can grow naturally or falls in the yard. There is a permit that you have to obtain to do outdoor burning.

Is it OK to have a fire pit in my backyard? ›

Most cities and towns allow small recreational fires. A recreational fire is usually defined as a campfire, bonfire, or backyard fire in a fire pit. Many recreational fire regulations are in place to remain courteous to your neighbors, but others exist to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

Is a fire pit considered an open fire? ›

Put simply, an open fire is a fire that doesn't have a chimney or stack. The term applies to several different types of fires. A campfire, fire pit, or bonfire are all types of open fire.

How close to a house can a fire pit be? ›

Place your fire pit at a safe distance (10-25 feet) from any flammable structures or surfaces. This includes your house, trees, shed, vehicle, neighbors' property, and wood deck, among other things. Keep your fire pit away from overhanging branches. A 21-foot clearance is standard for most municipalities.

Do you need a fire permit in Florida? ›

The Florida Forest Service administers Florida's outdoor burning and forest fire laws. Some types of burning require an authorization from the Florida Forest Service while others do not. Burning yard waste does not require a burn authorization, but you must follow the rules for your area.

Do you need to line a fire pit? ›

The sharpness adds a modern touch to your cozy fire pit area. Rocks are a great option for a more natural looking fire pit. Rocks are beautiful accents but most cannot withstand the constant heat of a fire so be sure to use a fire pit liner.

Are fire pits legal in Maine? ›

State law requires a burn permit for fires that have a flame length greater than 3 feet high and 3 feet in diameter. This type of fire pit would be restricted during a Red Flag Warning.

Is it illegal to burn cardboard in Tennessee? ›

The bans apply to all open-air burning including leaf and woody debris and construction burning, campfires, outdoor grills and other fire activity outside of municipalities where local ordinances apply. construction debris, boards, plywood, decking, cardboard, etc.

How do I know if I have a local burn ban? ›

If you want to know for sure, it is best to call the local city/county fire department to determine if a local ban is still in place.

How long is a burn permit good for in California? ›

Check Burn Day Status & Secure Burn Permits

Permits are valid beginning May 1st of each year and require annual renewal. Permits are issued free of charge. Residents are urged to take precautions while burning outdoors to prevent starting a wildfire.

What is the number for burn notice in SC? ›

State law requires you to notify the South Carolina Forestry Commission prior to conducting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of York County. The number for yard debris burning is 1-800-517-9644. The number for large burns is 1-800-777-3473.

What is the phone number for Greenville County Burn permit? ›

If you plan to burn anything else, call the Forestry Commission at: 1-800-777-3473.

What to do if your neighbor is burning plastic? ›

Basically, you can file a pollution complaint with DEQ, you can report it to the city or county as a code violation, or you can try the cops by calling it in as a nuisance complaint.

How to burn debris safely? ›

Burning Debris Responsibly
  1. 1 Assess weather conditions. ...
  2. 2 Check burn day regulations. ...
  3. 3 Gather permissible burning materials. ...
  4. 4 Create small debris piles. ...
  5. 5 Limit pile diameter. ...
  6. 6 Clear your surroundings. ...
  7. 7 Have safety equipment handy. ...
  8. 8 Supervise the fire constantly.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.